(Rule 14a-101)
Proxy Statement Pursuant to Section 14(a) of the
Securities Exchange Act of 1934 (Amendment No. )
Filed by the Registrant |X|
Filed by a Party other than the Registrant |_|
Check the appropriate box:
|_| Preliminary Proxy Statement |_| Soliciting Material Under Rule
|_| Confidential, For Use of the 14a-12
Commission Only (as permitted
by Rule 14a-6(e)(2))
|X| Definitive Proxy Statement
|_| Definitive Additional Materials
(Name of Registrant as Specified In Its Charter)
(Name of Person(s) Filing Proxy Statement, if Other Than the Registrant)
Payment of Filing Fee (Check the appropriate box):
|_| No fee required.
|_| Fee computed on table below per Exchange Act Rules 14a-6(i)(4) and 0-11.
1) Title of each class of securities to which transaction applies:
2) Aggregate number of securities to which transaction applies:
3) Per unit price or other underlying value of transaction computed pursuant
to Exchange Act Rule 0-11 (set forth the amount on which the filing fee is
calculated and state how it was determined):
4) Proposed maximum aggregate value of transaction:
5) Total fee paid:
|_| Fee paid previously with preliminary materials:
|_| Check box if any part of the fee is offset as provided by Exchange Act Rule
0-11(a)(2) and identify the filing for which the offsetting fee was paid
previously. Identify the previous filing by registration statement number,
or the form or schedule and the date of its filing.
1) Amount previously paid:
2) Form, Schedule or Registration Statement No.:
3) Filing Party:
4) Date Filed:
March 4, 2003
To the Stockholders of
The First of Long Island Corporation:
Notice is hereby given that the Annual Meeting of Stockholders of THE
GLEN HEAD ROAD, GLEN HEAD, NEW YORK, on Tuesday, April 15, 2003, at 3:30 P.M.
local time for the following purposes:
(1) To elect Directors.
(2) To transact any other business as may properly come before the
Only stockholders of record at the close of business on February 25, 2003
are entitled to notice of and to vote at such meeting or any adjournment
By Order of the Board of Directors
Joseph G. Perri
Senior Vice President and Secretary
10 Glen Head Road
Glen Head, New York 11545
(516) 671-4900
The accompanying proxy is being solicited by the Board of Directors of The
First of Long Island Corporation (the "Corporation") for use at the Annual
Meeting of Stockholders to be held at 3:30 P.M. local time at the American
Legion Hall, 190 Glen Head Road, Glen Head, New York on April 15, 2003. The
approximate date on which proxy statements and forms of proxy are first being
sent or given to stockholders is March 4, 2003.
Proxies in the accompanying form that are properly executed and duly
returned to the Corporation will be voted at the meeting. Each proxy granted may
be revoked at any time prior to its exercise either by written notice filed with
the secretary of the meeting or by oral notice given during the meeting by the
stockholder to the presiding officer of the meeting. The presence in person or
by proxy of the holders of a majority of the shares entitled to vote at any
annual meeting shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business. In the
absence of a quorum, any meeting may be adjourned to a subsequent date, provided
notice of such meeting is mailed to each shareholder entitled to vote at least
five (5) days before the adjourned meeting.
The only class of voting securities of the Corporation is its Common
Stock, $.10 par value ("Common Stock"), each share of which entitles the holder
thereof to one vote except in the election of directors, where votes may be
cumulated as described herein. Only stockholders of record at the close of
business on February 25, 2003 are entitled to notice of and to vote at the
As of January 31, 2003, there were issued 4,130,648 shares of the Common
Stock, all of which were outstanding and entitled to vote. To the best knowledge
of the Corporation, the only persons owning beneficially more than five percent
(5%) of the Common Stock of the Corporation as of January 31, 2003 are
identified in the table below.
Title of Name and Address Amount and Nature of Percent
Class of Beneficial Owner Beneficial Ownership of Class
-------- ------------------- -------------------- --------
Common Sidney Canarick 380,587 shares (1) 9.21%
Stock 25 Glen Street
($.10 par value) Glen Cove, N.Y. 11542
Common Paul T. Canarick 380,587 shares (1) 9.21%
Stock 25 Glen Street
($.10 par value) Glen Cove, N.Y. 11542
Common Zachary Levy 357,927 shares 8.67%
Stock 9 Maxine Avenue
($.10 par value) Plainview, N.Y. 11803
(1) Including 236,970 shares in the names of Sidney Canarick and Jean C.
Canarick, his wife, Mr. Paul T. Canarick's parents, as Trustees under a
Trust Agreement dated May 27, 1992; 134,347 shares in the name of Jean C.
Canarick, Sidney Canarick's wife; and 9,270 shares in the name of Paul T.
Canarick. Pursuant to applicable rules, Sidney Canarick and Paul T.
Canarick are both deemed to be beneficial owners of the foregoing shares.
Furnished below is information with respect to the beneficial ownership of
the Corporation's Common Stock as of January 31, 2003 by all directors and
nominees, by the executive officers of the Corporation named in the "Summary
Compensation Table", and by directors and executive officers of the Corporation
as a group.
Amount and Nature of Percent of
Title of Class Beneficial Owner Beneficial Ownership Class
---------------- ------------------------ -------------------- ----------
Common Stock Allen E. Busching 1,500 .04%
($.10 par value) Paul T. Canarick 380,587 (1) 9.21%
Beverly Ann Gehlmeyer 38,717 (2) .94%
Howard Thomas Hogan, Jr. 55,241 (3) 1.34%
J. William Johnson 71,960 (4) 1.74%
J. Douglas Maxwell, Jr. 14,362 (5) .35%
John R. Miller III 3,012 .07%
Walter C. Teagle III 23,623 (6) .57%
Michael N. Vittorio 1,026 .02%
Arthur J. Lupinacci, Jr. 34,117 (7) .82%
Donald L. Manfredonia 22,950 (8) .55%
Joseph G. Perri 18,560 (9) .45%
Directors and Executive
Officers as a group 692,529 (10) 16.75%
(1) Including 236,970 shares in the names of Sidney Canarick and Jean C.
Canarick, Mr. Paul T. Canarick's parents, as trustees under a Trust
Agreement dated May 27, 1992; and 134,347 shares in the name of Jean C.
Canarick, Mr. Paul T. Canarick's mother.
(2) Including 652 shares in the name of Robert Val Gehlmeyer, Mrs. Gehlmeyer's
husband, and 7,924 shares in the name of Gehlmeyer & Gehlmeyer, P.C.
Retirement Trust.
(3) Including 24,771 shares in the name of Mr. Hogan as Trustee for the
benefit of his children, Howard, Kathryn, and Margaret Hogan, and 1,291
shares in the name of Mr. Hogan as Trustee for the Hogan Family Trust.
(4) Including 2,022 shares in the name of Gail G. Johnson, Mr. Johnson's wife;
4,618 shares held in Mr. Johnson's individual retirement account; and
13,866 shares which are not presently owned, but which are deemed
beneficially owned under Securities and Exchange Commission Rule
13d-3(d)(1) because they could be acquired by the exercise of stock
(5) Including 8,437 shares held in Mr. Maxwell's retirement account.
(6) Including 337 shares in the name of Janet D. Teagle, Mr. Teagle's wife;
and 1,012 shares each (totaling 3,036 shares) held for the benefit of W.
Clark Teagle IV, Clifton D. Teagle and Janet W. Teagle, Mr. Teagle's
(7) Including 21,795 shares which are not presently owned, but which are
deemed beneficially owned under Securities and Exchange Commission Rule
13d-3(d)(1) because they could be acquired by the exercise of stock
(8) Including 13,950 shares which are not presently owned, but which are
deemed beneficially owned under Securities and Exchange Commission Rule
13d-3(d)(1) because they could be acquired by the exercise of stock
(9) Including 750 shares held in Mr. Perri's individual retirement account;
and 13,086 shares which are not presently owned, but which are deemed
beneficially owned under Securities and Exchange Commission Rule
13d-3(d)(1) because they could be acquired by the exercise of stock
(10) Including 81,422 shares which are not presently owned, but which are
deemed beneficially owned under Securities and Exchange Commission Rule
13d-3(d)(1) because they could be acquired by the exercise of stock
The Board of Directors of the Corporation presently consists of nine
members classified into two classes, Class I with five members and Class II with
four members, with each director to serve a two-year term. Only one class of
directors is elected at each annual meeting of stockholders. The following table
sets forth the present composition of the Board.
Name Class of Term
------------------------ ----- ----------
Allen E. Busching II 2004
Paul T. Canarick II 2004
Beverly Ann Gehlmeyer II 2004
Howard Thomas Hogan, Jr. I 2003
J. William Johnson II 2004
J. Douglas Maxwell, Jr. I 2003
John R. Miller III I 2003
Walter C. Teagle III I 2003
Michael N. Vittorio I 2003
For the election of directors, each share is entitled to as many votes as
there are directors to be elected, and such votes may be cumulated and voted for
one nominee or divided equally among as many different nominees as is desired.
If authority to vote for any nominee or nominees is withheld on any proxy, the
votes will then be spread equally among the remaining nominees. If there is no
designation on any proxy as to how the shares represented should be voted, the
proxy will be voted for the election of all nominated directors. To be elected,
each director must receive a majority vote of the number of shares entitled to
vote and represented at the meeting.
At a meeting of the Board of Directors held on February 18, 2003, Mr.
Vittorio was elected in accordance with the Corporation's By-Laws to serve as a
director until the 2003 Annual Meeting. The nominees for election at this
meeting will be the Class I directors and Mr. Vittorio who, if elected, will
become a Class I director. It is intended that shares represented by properly
executed proxies will be voted at the meeting in accordance with the marking
indicated thereon and, in the absence of contrary indication, for the election
of Mr. Vittorio and the re-election of Messrs. Hogan, Maxwell, Miller and
Teagle, each to hold office until the 2005 Annual Meeting of Stockholders or
until his successor is elected and qualified. If at the time of the 2003 Annual
Meeting any of the nominees named above is unavailable or chooses not to serve
as a director (an event which management does not now anticipate), the proxies
will be voted for the election as director of such other person or persons as
the Board of Directors may designate.
The Board of Directors recommends a vote FOR all named nominees.
Information about the nominees and directors continuing in office follows.
The year set forth for each director is the year in which the person named
became a director of the Bank. Mrs. Gehlmeyer and Messrs. Hogan, Johnson, and
Miller became directors of the Corporation upon its formation in 1984. Messrs.
Busching, Canarick, Maxwell, Teagle and Vittorio became directors of the
Corporation and the Bank in the years set forth next to their names.
Principal Occupations for Last Director
Name 5 Years and Other Directorships Since
------------------------------ ------------------------------- --------
Allen E. Busching Principal, 1999
(Age 71) B&B Capital
(Consulting and Private Investment);
(formerly: Managing Director,
Unitech p.l.c., Reading, England;
Chairman of the Board, President, and
Chief Executive Officer, Lambda
Electronics, Inc. (formerly Veeco Instruments));
Trustee, North Shore-Long Island Jewish
Health Systems, Inc.
Paul T. Canarick President and Principal, 1992
(Age 46) Paul Todd, Inc.
(Construction Company)
Beverly Ann Gehlmeyer Tax Manager and Principal, 1978
(Age 71) Gehlmeyer & Gehlmeyer, P.C.
(Certified Public Accounting Firm)
Howard Thomas Hogan, Jr., Esq. Hogan & Hogan 1978
(Age 58) (Attorney, Private Practice)
J. William Johnson Chairman of the Board and 1979
(Age 62) Chief Executive Officer,
The First of Long Island Corporation;
Chairman of the Board and
Chief Executive Officer,
The First National Bank of Long Island;
Director, Independent Bankers Association
of New York State
J. Douglas Maxwell, Jr. Chairman, Chief Financial Officer and Director, 1987
(Age 61) NIRx Medical Technologies L.L.C.
(Medical Technology);
(formerly Chairman of the Board and Chief
Executive Officer, Swissray Empower, Inc.,
a Medical Imaging Distributor);
Director, Slater Development Corp. and
Police Relief Association of Nassau County
Principal Occupations for Last Director
Name 5 Years and Other Directorships Since
------------------------------ ------------------------------- --------
John R. Miller III President and Chief Executive Officer, 1982
(Age 62) Equal Opportunity Publications, Inc.
Director, The Middleby Corporation and
Middleby Marshall, Inc.
Walter C. Teagle III President 1996
(Age 53) Teagle Management, Inc.
(Private Investment Firm)
(formerly: Executive Vice President and Director,
Lexent, Inc., Infrastructure Service Provider;
President, Chief Executive Officer,
and Director, Metro Design Systems, Inc.,
an Engineering Design Services Firm);
Director, Teagle Management, Inc., Teagle
Foundation, Inc. and Police Relief Association
of Nassau County
Michael N. Vittorio President 2003
(Age 50) The First of Long Island Corporation and
The First National Bank of Long Island;
(formerly J.P. Morgan Chase, most recently
as Senior Vice President)
All of the members of the Board of Directors of the Corporation also serve
on the Board of Directors of the Bank. Directors are paid for their services as
directors of the Corporation and the Bank. Directors of the Corporation are paid
a quarterly retainer of $1,000. The Board of Directors of the Bank currently
holds 12 regular meetings a year and such special meetings as deemed advisable
to review significant matters. Directors of the Bank are paid $1,000 for each
regularly scheduled Board meeting, provided they attend at least ten meetings.
If a director attends less than ten meetings, the director is paid $1,000 for
each meeting attended. In addition, directors of the Corporation and the Bank
are generally paid $500 for each special Board meeting and $100 for each
telephone Board meeting.
The Chairwoman of the Corporation's Nominating Committee receives an
annual retainer of $700, and other committee members receive annual retainers of
$350. Neither the Chairmen nor the other members of the Corporation's Audit and
Compensation and Stock Option Committees receive fees for their services.
The Chairmen of the Bank's Compensation, Compliance, and Board Investment
Management Division Committees are each paid an annual retainer of $1,700, and
other members of these committees are paid annual retainers of $700. The
Chairwoman of the Bank's Loan Committee receives an annual retainer of $1,700,
and other committee members receive annual retainers of $250. In addition, the
Chairwoman and all other members of the Bank's Loan Committee receive $250 per
meeting. The Bank's Audit Committee consists of four independent directors,
three of whom are also members of the Bank's Investment Management Division
Audit Committee. The Chairman is paid an annual retainer of $1,700 and the other
two members are paid an annual retainer of $700 for service on the two
committees. The
remaining member of the Bank's Audit Committee is paid an annual retainer of
$600. Neither the Chairman nor the other members of the Bank's Pension Plan
Committee receive fees for their services. Neither Mr. Johnson nor Mr. Vittorio
receive director fees or committee fees from the Corporation or the Bank.
The Corporation's Stock Option and Appreciation Rights Plan (the "Stock
Option Plan"), as amended, allows for the granting of stock options to
non-employee directors of the Corporation. In January 2002 and 2003, each
non-employee director received a stock option grant based on the Corporation's
earnings performance for the year just passed and the board and committee fees
that the director received for such year. The options, which are exercisable in
whole or in part during the period beginning three years from the date of grant
and ending ten years from the date of grant, were granted at an exercise price
equal to the fair market value of one share of the Corporation's stock on the
date of grant. The number of options granted to each non-employee director in
January 2003 and 2002, respectively, is as follows: Mr. Busching - 857 and
1,018; Mr. Canarick - 808 and 993; Mr. Hogan - 748 and 874; Mr. Teagle - 785 and
937; Ms. Gehlmeyer - 930 and 1,204; Mr. Miller - 800 and 1,081; and Mr. Maxwell
- 939 and 1,143.
The Board of Directors of the Corporation has three standing committees:
the Audit Committee, the Compensation and Stock Option Committee, and the
Nominating Committee.
The Corporation's Audit Committee: (1) meets with the Corporation's
independent public accountants and reviews with them the results of their annual
audit of the Corporation's financial statements, including any recommendations
the accountants may have with respect to internal controls or other business
matters; and (2) reviews the results of examinations of the Corporation
performed by regulatory authorities. The members of the Audit Committee are
Walter C. Teagle III, Allen E. Busching, Beverly Ann Gehlmeyer, and John R.
Miller III. During 2002, the Committee held six meetings.
The Compensation and Stock Option Committee is responsible for determining
an appropriate level of compensation for the Corporation's Chief Executive
Officer and administering the Corporation's Stock Option Plan. Administration of
the Stock Option Plan includes the selection of optionees and the determination
of the timing, duration, amount and type of each award. Members of the Committee
as well as all other non-employee directors of the Corporation are eligible for
stock option grants under the Stock Option Plan. Stock option grants to
non-employee directors are approved by the full Board. The Committee consists of
J. Douglas Maxwell, Jr., Allen E. Busching, and Paul T. Canarick. The Committee
met four times during 2002.
The Nominating Committee is responsible for recommending the nomination of
individuals to the Board of Directors of the Corporation. The members of the
Nominating Committee are Beverly Ann Gehlmeyer, Paul T. Canarick, and John R.
Miller III. The Nominating Committee will consider nominees proposed by
stockholders in accordance with the provisions of the Corporation's bylaws
establishing the information and notice requirements for such nominations. The
Committee met once during 2002.
The Board of Directors of the Bank currently has seven standing
committees: an Audit Committee, an Investment Management Division Audit
Committee, a Compensation Committee, a Compliance and Community Reinvestment Act
Committee, a Board Investment Management Division Committee, a Loan Committee,
and a Pension Plan Committee.
The Bank's Audit Committee: (1) reviews the plan, scope and results of
internal audits performed by both the Bank's in-house audit staff and
independent external firms; (2) reviews the results of examinations
performed by regulatory authorities; and (3) is responsible for insuring that
the Bank fulfills the annual audit and management reporting requirements of
Section 112 of the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation Improvement Act of 1991
("FDICIA"). The members of the Audit Committee are Walter C. Teagle III, Beverly
Ann Gehlmeyer, Allen E. Busching, and John R. Miller III. During 2002, the
Committee held six meetings.
With respect to audits of the Bank's Investment Management Division, the
Investment Management Division Audit Committee meets with the auditors and
reviews with them the nature, extent and results of their audit effort. The
members of the Investment Management Division Audit Committee are Walter C.
Teagle III, Beverly Ann Gehlmeyer, and John R. Miller III. During 2002, the
Committee held two meetings.
The Compensation Committee recommends to the full Board salary policy,
management succession, compensation of officers, incentive compensation, and
employee benefits. The members of the Compensation Committee are J. Douglas
Maxwell, Jr., Allen E. Busching, and Paul T. Canarick. During 2002, the
Committee held four meetings.
The Compliance and Community Reinvestment Act Committee is responsible for
reviewing the Bank's performance of its obligations under the various laws and
regulations affecting consumers, including the Federal Community Reinvestment
Act. The members of the Committee are John R. Miller III and Walter C. Teagle
III. The Committee met four times during 2002, and each meeting was attended by
one or more officers of the Bank whose duties relate to compliance with such
laws and regulations.
The Board Investment Management Division Committee is responsible for
reviewing the activities of the Investment Management Division including the
handling of fiduciary relationships, investment management activities, and
compliance. The members of the Committee are J. Douglas Maxwell, Jr., Allen E.
Busching, and J. William Johnson. During 2002, the Committee held four meetings.
The Loan Committee consists of members who, except for Mr. Johnson, are
not officers of the Bank. Two members of the Loan Committee meet with the
officers of the Bank to review and approve substantial loans and the entire
committee meets on a quarterly basis to review the overall portfolio. The
members of the Loan Committee are Beverly Ann Gehlmeyer, Paul T. Canarick,
Howard Thomas Hogan, Jr., J. Douglas Maxwell, Jr., J. William Johnson, and Allen
E. Busching. The Committee held thirty-one meetings in 2002.
The Pension Plan Committee has the authority to take such action with
respect to the Bank's Pension Plan and Supplemental Executive Retirement Plan as
may be necessary or advisable between regular meetings of the Bank's Board of
Directors. The members of the Pension Plan Committee are J. Douglas Maxwell Jr.,
Allen E. Busching, and Paul T. Canarick. Beverly Ann Gehlmeyer is an alternate
member of this Committee with the right to replace any absent member of the
Committee at any meeting thereof. The Committee did not meet in 2002.
The Board of Directors of the Corporation held twelve regular meetings and
one special meeting during 2002. With respect to meetings of the Corporation,
each director attended at least 75% of the aggregate number of Board meetings
and meetings of the committees on which such director served.
The following tables contain information about the executive officers of
the Corporation and the Bank.
Executive Officers Term of Officer
of the Corporation Age Present Capacity Office Since
------------------ --- ---------------- ------- -------
J. William Johnson 62 Chairman of the Board 3 yrs. 1984
and Chief Executive
Michael N. Vittorio 50 President 1.5 yrs. 2002
Arthur J. Lupinacci, Jr. 62 Executive Vice President 1.5 yrs. 1985
and Chief Administrative
Mark D. Curtis 48 Senior Vice President 1 yr. 1997
and Treasurer
Brian J. Keeney 54 Senior Vice President 1 yr. 2000
Richard Kick 45 Senior Vice President 1 yr. 1991
Donald L. Manfredonia 51 Senior Vice President 1.5 yrs. 1987
Joseph G. Perri 51 Senior Vice President 1.5 yrs. 1990
and Secretary
Executive Officers Term of Officer
of the Bank Age Present Capacity Office Since
------------------ --- ---------------- ------- -------
J. William Johnson 62 Chairman of the Board 1 yr. 1979
and Chief Executive
Michael N. Vittorio 50 President 1 yr. 2002
Arthur J. Lupinacci, Jr. 62 Executive Vice President 1 yr. 1985
and Chief Administrative
Donald L. Manfredonia 51 Executive Vice President 1 yr. 1982
Joseph G. Perri 51 Executive Vice President 1 yr. 1990
Mark D. Curtis 48 Senior Vice President, 1 yr. 1997
Chief Financial Officer
and Cashier
Brian J. Keeney 54 Senior Vice President 1 yr. 2000
Richard Kick 45 Senior Vice President 1 yr. 1991
Mr. Vittorio has been employed by the Corporation and the Bank for less
than five years. He joined the Corporation and the Bank on July 15, 2002 as
Executive Vice President. On February 18, 2003, he was elected to the Board of
Directors of both entities and, effective March 1, 2003, as President of both.
From 1989 through June 2002, Mr. Vittorio was employed at J.P. Morgan Chase,
most recently as Senior Vice President responsible for managing Chase Insurance
Agency's Insurance Brokerage and Advisory Service Business. Previously he served
in various capacities at J.P. Morgan Chase including Senior Lending Officer for
Small Business Financial Services, Middle Market Regional Manager, and Division
Executive in the Small Business/Commercial Division.
Mr. Keeney has been employed by the Corporation and the Bank for less than
five years. From September 1998 to March 2000, Mr. Keeney was President and
Chief Executive Officer of The Rockefeller Trust Company. From December 1996 to
September 1998, he was Chairman of the Board, President & Chief Executive
Officer of Fidelity Management Trust Company of New York and from January 1992
to November 1996, he was Senior Vice President and Chief Operating Officer of
U.S. Trust Company of New Jersey. Previously, he held various positions with
U.S. Trust Company of New York, Irving Trust Company, and The Chase Manhattan
Bank, N.A.
The Corporation's executive compensation program is administered by the
Compensation and Stock Option Committee of the Corporation's Board of Directors
and the Compensation Committee of the Bank's Board of Directors (the
"Committees"). Both Committees consist of the same three independent directors,
who are not employed by the Bank or the Corporation.
Compensation for executive officers consists of direct salary, incentive
bonuses paid under the Bank's Incentive Compensation Plan, and stock options and
appreciation rights awarded under the Corporation's Stock Option and
Appreciation Rights Plan. The payment or awarding of compensation is approved by
the Committees. Following approval by the Committees, the full Boards of
Directors of the Corporation and the Bank approve the salary package for all
executive officers and review the proposed payment of incentive compensation and
granting of stock options.
The Committees adhere to the practice that compensation for executive
officers be directly and materially linked to bank performance, individual
performance, and to what is paid to individuals in similar positions within the
industry. As such, (1) salaries are related to the Bank in light of overall Bank
performance; (2) incentive compensation, an objective means of rewarding
individual performance, is paid pursuant to the Incentive Compensation Plan
based on achievement by the individual of objective goals and the Bank's
performance with respect to profitability and financial strength; and (3) base
salary and incentive compensation for executive officers is compared to the
amounts of such compensation paid to individuals with reasonably similar
responsibilities employed by banks that are similar in size and scope to the
Corporation. In addition, from time to time the Corporation retains outside
consultants to determine the appropriateness of executive officer compensation.
Regarding Mr. Johnson's compensation, the Committees have considered, in
addition to the factors described above, the profitability and growth of the
Corporation during Mr. Johnson's tenure as Chief Executive Officer.
J. Douglas Maxwell, Jr.
Allen E. Busching
Paul T. Canarick
Furnished below is information with respect to the aggregate compensation
paid or accrued during the fiscal year ended December 31, 2002 to the Chief
Executive Officer and to each of the additional four most highly compensated
executive officers of the Bank who received compensation of more than $100,000
for services rendered to the Corporation or the Bank. This information is
provided pursuant to the Securities and Exchange Commission executive
compensation disclosure rules for proxy statements. All of the listed officers
are also officers of the Corporation but received salaries only from the Bank;
no compensation for their employment, other than Stock Options or Stock
Appreciation Rights ("SARs"), was received from the Corporation. A description
of the Incentive Compensation Plan under which the bonuses were paid follows.
Annual Compensation Long -Term Compensation
----------------------------------- ---------------------------------
Awards Payouts
---------------------- -------
Other Restricted All Other
Compen- Stock Options/ Compen-
Name and Principal Salary Bonus sation Award(s) SARs LTIP sation (3)
Position Year ($) ($) ($) ($) # (2) ($) ($)
(a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (h) (i)
J. William Johnson 2002 $ 370,000 $ 177,970 See None 7,254 None $ 47,330
Chairman of the Board, 2001 $ 357,000 $ 129,950 Footnote None 10,969 None $ 47,294
Director and Chief 2000 $ 340,000 $ 94,200 (1) None 4,800 None $ 39,331
Executive Office
Michael N. Vittorio 2002 $ 115,385 $ 128,320 See None 9,000 None $ 508
President and Director Footnote
Arthur J. Lupinacci, Jr. 2002 $ 223,000 $ 93,450 See None 4,369 None $ 29,079
Executive Vice President 2001 $ 215,000 $ 69,660 Footnote None 6,473 None $ 29,228
and Chief Administrative 2000 $ 201,000 $ 48,610 (1) None 3,000 None $ 23,252
Donald L. Manfredonia 2002 $ 176,000 $ 60,720 See None 3,433 None $ 21,046
Senior Vice President 2001 $ 169,000 $ 54,760 Footnote None 5,241 None $ 19,202
2000 $ 162,000 $ 33,050 (1) None 2,400 None $ 16,291
Joseph G. Perri 2002 $ 168,500 $ 64,200 See None 3,292 None $ 20,151
Senior Vice President 2001 $ 162,000 $ 50,285 Footnote None 3,501 None $ 18,407
and Secretary 2000 $ 151,000 $ 31,050 (1) None 1,800 None $ 15,185
(1) Other annual compensation excludes the value of perquisites and other
personal benefits since the Corporation and the Bank have concluded that
for the named executive officers the aggregate amount of such compensation
does not exceed the lesser of either $50,000 or 10% of the total of annual
salary and bonus reported in columns (c) and (d).
(2) Where applicable, adjusted for 3-for-2 stock split paid July 2002.
(3) All other compensation for 2002 (column (i) of the "Summary Compensation
Table") includes the following amounts either paid for or contributed on
behalf of the named executive officers. The 401(k) and profit sharing
contributions shown in the table include amounts paid under the Bank's
Profit Sharing and Supplemental Executive Retirement ("SERP") Plans.
Life 401(k) Profit
Insurance Matching Sharing
Name Premiums Contributions Contributions Total
J. William Johnson ......... $6,630 $7,400 $33,300 $47,330
Michael N. Vittorio ........ $ 508 $ -- $ -- $ 508
Arthur J. Lupinacci, Jr .... $4,549 $4,460 $20,070 $29,079
Donald L. Manfredonia ...... $1,690 $3,519 $15,837 $21,046
Joseph G. Perri ............ $1,618 $3,370 $15,163 $20,151
Pension Plan
The Bank is a participant in the New York State Bankers Retirement System
Pension Plan ("Plan") and maintains the SERP described below. Set forth in the
table that follows are total estimated annual benefits payable under the Plan
and SERP upon retirement based on various levels of compensation and years of
Years of Creditable Service
Average Annual ---------------------------------------------------------------
Compensation 10 15 20 25 30 35
$100,000 $ 15,567 $ 23,350 $ 31,134 $ 38,917 $ 46,701 $ 54,484
$125,000 $ 19,942 $ 29,913 $ 39,884 $ 49,855 $ 59,826 $ 69,797
$150,000 $ 24,317 $ 36,475 $ 48,634 $ 60,792 $ 72,951 $ 85,109
$175,000 $ 28,692 $ 43,038 $ 57,384 $ 71,730 $ 86,076 $100,422
$200,000 $ 33,067 $ 49,600 $ 66,134 $ 82,667 $ 99,201 $115,734
$225,000 $ 37,442 $ 56,163 $ 74,884 $ 93,605 $112,326 $131,047
$250,000 $ 41,817 $ 62,725 $ 83,634 $104,542 $125,451 $146,359
$300,000 $ 50,567 $ 75,850 $101,134 $126,417 $151,701 $176,984
$400,000 $ 68,067 $102,100 $136,134 $170,167 $204,201 $238,234
$500,000 $ 85,567 $128,350 $171,134 $213,917 $256,701 $299,484
$600,000 $103,067 $154,600 $206,134 $257,667 $309,201 $360,734
The Plan covers employees who are over the age of 21 years and have been
employed for over one year. The normal retirement age is 65 and early retirement
with reduced benefits is available at age 55. However, an unreduced benefit is
available at age 62 or above to a participant with at least 10 years of
service whose employment terminates after age 55 and who begins receiving
benefits after attaining age 62. Upon retirement, each participant is paid a
benefit in the form of a joint and survivor annuity computed by (i) multiplying
the participant's final average compensation (the average of the participant's
Annual Earnings, as defined, during the five highest consecutive years of
employment) by the product of 1.75 percent and the participant's credited years
of service (to a maximum of 35 years), (ii) adding 1.25 percent of average
compensation multiplied by the participant's credited years of service in excess
of 35 years (up to five such years), and (iii) subtracting the product of .49
percent of the participant's final three year average compensation (limited to
covered compensation) and the participant's credited years of service (to a
maximum of 35 years). The .49 percent represents the minimum Social Security
offset to the pension benefit.
The Bank makes annual payments to a trust fund, computed on an actuarial
basis, to fund these benefits. Contributions of $482,079 and $365,202 are
required for the plan years ending September 30, 2003 and 2002, respectively.
These contributions will be made on or before June 15, 2004 and 2003,
respectively. Employees also make contributions of 2 percent of their
compensation. An employee becomes fully vested after 4 years of participation in
the Plan. No vesting occurs during that 4-year period.
The compensation covered by the Plan includes: (1) salary and bonus as set
forth in the "Summary Compensation Table"; (2) value realized from the exercise
of stock appreciation rights; and (3) generally all other taxable compensation
except that resulting from the Bank's contributions to the SERP or reimbursement
for taxes on SERP earnings and amounts realized after April 15, 1998 from the
exercise of disqualified incentive stock options. Sections 401(a)(17) and 415 of
the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended, limit the annual benefits which
may be paid from a tax-qualified retirement plan. Any benefits which may be
above the limits under these sections would be payable under the SERP.
The credited years of service, for purposes of calculating benefits, for
the executive officers of the Bank named in the Summary Compensation Table and
all executive officers of the Bank as a group are as follows: Mr. Johnson - 22
years; Mr. Vittorio - 0 years; Mr. Lupinacci - 16 years; Mr. Manfredonia - 19
years; Mr. Perri - 11 years; and all executive officers as a group - 85 years.
Supplemental Executive Retirement Plan
On August 3, 1995, the Corporation adopted The First National Bank of Long
Island Supplemental Executive Retirement Plan ("SERP"). The SERP provides
benefits that would have been provided under the Pension Plan and Profit Sharing
Plan, in the absence of Internal Revenue Code ("IRC") limitations, to certain
employees whose benefits under those plans are limited by the IRC. The
Compensation Committee of the Board of Directors designates the employees
eligible to participate in the SERP.
Supplemental retirement program and profit sharing plan contributions
under the SERP are made to a "secular trust" for the benefit of the
participants. Amounts contributed to the secular trust are not subject to the
claims of creditors of the Bank. Accordingly, the contributions are taxable to
each participant and deductible by the Bank when made. Trust income is also
taxable to each participant. Taxes are withheld from the contributions to pay
each participant's taxes. In addition, the Bank makes tax payments in an amount
sufficient to cover each participant's taxes on both the trust income and the
tax payment.
The SERP and related secular trust are intended to meet the requirements
of the Employee Retirement Income Security Act (ERISA) as they pertain to
vesting, reporting and disclosure information.
Profit Sharing Plan
The Bank has a combined profit sharing/401(k) plan (the "Profit Sharing
Plan"). Employees are eligible to participate provided they are at least 21
years of age and have completed one year of service in which they worked 1,000
hours if full-time and 700 hours if part-time. Participants may elect to
contribute, on a tax-deferred basis, up to 25% of gross compensation, as
defined, subject to the limitations of Section 401(k) of the Internal Revenue
Code. The Bank may, at its sole discretion, make "Additional 401(k)
Contributions" to each participant's account based on the amount of the
participant's tax deferred contributions and make "Profit Sharing Contributions"
to each participant's account equal to a percentage of the participant's
compensation, as defined. Forfeitures are allocated among participants in
proportion to their annual compensation. Participants are fully vested in their
elective contributions and, after five years of participation in the Profit
Sharing Plan, are fully vested (20% vesting per year) in the Additional 401(k)
and Profit Sharing Contributions made by the Bank. Also, a participant becomes
fully vested in Additional 401(k) and Profit Sharing Contributions upon death or
disability. The Additional 401(k) and Profit Sharing Contributions for 2002 were
$141,661 and $743,234, respectively. The Profit Sharing Contributions
represented approximately 4.7% of the Bank's 2002 pre-tax profits.
Participants in the Profit Sharing Plan will receive a Normal Retirement
Benefit, as defined, generally upon attainment of age 65. However, the Profit
Sharing Plan contains provisions allowing pre-termination withdrawals and loans
under certain circumstances. The amount of a participant's Normal Retirement
Benefit will depend upon the accumulation of contributions and forfeitures and
the investment performance of the Plan. The amount allocated under the Profit
Sharing Plan and related SERP to the account of the Chief Executive Officer for
2002 and to each of the additional four most highly compensated executive
officers of the Bank who received compensation of more than $100,000 for
services to the Corporation or the Bank in 2002 is set forth in footnote (3) to
the "Summary Compensation Table."
Retirement Plan For Directors
On June 18, 1991, the Board of Directors of the Bank adopted The First
National Bank of Long Island Retirement Plan for Directors (the "Retirement
Plan") and effective December 31, 2000 the Retirement Plan was terminated. Upon
termination, the benefits earned by directors for services rendered through
December 31, 2000 were frozen and the ability of directors to earn additional
benefits under the Retirement Plan was discontinued. Upon retirement after
attaining the age of sixty (60) years, each of the current directors will
receive a credit (the "Credit Percentage") of ten percent (10%) multiplied by
the number of years of service on the Board through December 31, 2000, to a
maximum of one hundred percent (100%). The annual benefit (the "Annual Benefit")
under the Retirement Plan is equal to the monthly Board of Directors attendance
fee in effect as of December 31, 2000, multiplied by twelve (12) and then
multiplied by the Credit Percentage. The Annual Benefit is payable for a period
of seven (7) years from the date of retirement (the "Payment Period"), in
quarterly installments. In the event of the death of a director or a retired
director, the surviving spouse of such director shall be entitled to receive an
annual payment equal to seventy-five percent (75%) of the Annual Benefit,
calculated as set forth above, and payable over the remainder of the applicable
Payment Period.
Incentive Compensation Plan
The executive officers of the Bank are eligible for compensation under the
Bank's Incentive Compensation Plan (the "Plan") described in the Board
Compensation Committee Report herein. Incentive compensation paid to the Chief
Executive Officer for 2002 and to each of the additional four most highly
compensated executive officers of the Bank who received compensation of more
than $100,000 for services
to the Corporation or the Bank in 2002 is set forth in the "Summary Compensation
Table" under the heading "Bonus".
Stock Option and Appreciation Rights Plan
The Corporation's 1986 Stock Option and Appreciation Rights Plan (the
"1986 Plan") expired on January 21, 1996. The 1986 Plan was adopted by the Board
of Directors in January 1986 and approved by the stockholders in April 1986 as a
Stock Option Plan and subsequently was amended to include provisions for the
granting of Stock Appreciation Rights ("SARs"), which amendment was adopted by
the Board of Directors in May 1988 and approved by the stockholders in April
In January 1996, the Board of Directors unanimously adopted a new plan
entitled The First of Long Island Corporation Stock Option and Appreciation
Rights Plan (the "Stock Option Plan") as a successor to the 1986 Plan. The
Corporation's stockholders approved the 1996 Stock Option Plan in April 1996. An
amendment to the Stock Option Plan that allows for the granting of stock options
to non-employee directors and limits the number of stock options and stock
appreciation rights that can be granted to any one person in any one fiscal year
to 25,000 was approved by the Board of Directors in February 2001 and
subsequently approved by the shareholders in April 2001. Except for this
amendment, the terms of the Stock Option Plan are substantially identical to the
terms of the 1986 Plan.
Under the Stock Option Plan, options to purchase up to 540,000 shares of
common stock were made available for grant to key employees and, as amended,
non-employee directors of the Corporation and its subsidiaries through January
15, 2006. Each option granted under the Stock Option Plan is granted at an
exercise price equal to the fair market value of one share of the Corporation's
stock on the date of grant. Options granted on or before December 31, 2000 are
exercisable in whole or in part commencing six months from the date of grant and
ending ten years after the date of grant. Options granted after December 31,
2000 are exercisable in whole or in part commencing three years from the date of
grant and ending ten years after the date of grant. The date on which options
first become exercisable is subject to acceleration in the event of a change in
control, retirement, death, disability, and certain other limited circumstances.
Each option granted to an employee under the Stock Option Plan may be
granted with or without a SAR attached. The Stock Option Plan also provides for
the granting of stand-alone SARs to employees. Non-employee directors are not
eligible for SAR grants, whether stand alone or attached to options. An employee
who is granted an option with a SAR attached may elect to exercise either the
option or the SAR, at which point the related SAR or option shall be deemed to
have been cancelled. If a SAR is exercised, the participant is entitled to a
payment equal to the amount by which the fair market value of the shares of the
Common Stock allocable to the SAR on the exercise date exceeds the fair market
value of such shares on the date of grant. Payment to a holder who exercises a
SAR is made in cash. Unexercised options which expire or terminate are again
available for grant, but options cancelled because an attached SAR was exercised
are not again available for grant.
Options may be granted under the Stock Option Plan as incentive stock
options ("ISOs") qualified under Section 422 of the Internal Revenue Code or as
non-qualified stock options ("NQSOs"). Generally, options and SARs have a
maximum duration of 10 years. The total fair market value of stock, determined
as of the date of grant of the option, for which ISOs are first exercisable by a
holder in any year is limited to $100,000. A holder may elect to exercise
options or SARs in any order without regard to the date on which the options or
SARs were granted.
Options and SARs are not transferable, except upon death (i) by will, (ii)
by the laws of descent and distribution, or (iii) by beneficiary designation.
The purchase price for the Common Stock must be paid in full in either common
stock of the Corporation and/or cash when an option is exercised. Generally,
options and SARs are exercisable only during the holder's continued employment
or service as a director with the Corporation or the Bank. However, in
accordance with the terms of the Stock Option Plan and/or administrative
guidelines adopted by the Compensation and Stock Option Committee, there are
additional limited periods following termination of employment or service as a
director during which options or SARs may be exercised in the event employment
or service is terminated as a result of resignation, death, disability,
retirement, or a change in control of the Corporation.
Subject to the provisions of applicable law and the terms of the Stock
Option Plan, the designation of those officers and non-employee directors who
will be granted options, or those officers who will be granted SARs, as well as
the terms of the options or SARs granted, is solely within the discretion of the
Compensation and Stock Option Committee which administers the Stock Option Plan.
No consideration is received by the Corporation or the Bank for the granting of
options or SARs.
During 2002, options to purchase 76,891 shares were granted under the
Stock Option Plan at a per share, weighted average exercise price of $25.17. The
following table shows, as to the executive officers named in the "Summary
Compensation Table", information for 2002 with respect to the options granted.
Individual Grants (1)
Potential Realizable
Percent of Value at Assumed
Total Annual Rates of
Options/ Stock Price
SARs Appreciation
Options/ Granted to For Option Term
SARs Employees Exercise or -----------------------
Granted in Fiscal Base Price Expiration
Name (#) Year ($/Sh) Date 5% ($) 10% ($)
(a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g)
J. William Johnson........... 7,254 9.43% $ 24.68 1/14/12 $ 112,590 $ 285,326
Michael N. Vittorio.......... 9,000 11.70% $ 28.90 6/17/12 $ 163,575 $ 414,532
Arthur J. Lupinacci, Jr...... 4,369 5.68% $ 24.68 1/14/12 $ 67,812 $ 171,848
Donald L. Manfredonia........ 3,433 4.46% $ 24.68 1/14/12 $ 53,284 $ 135,032
Joseph G. Perri.............. 3,292 4.28% $ 24.68 1/14/12 $ 51,096 $ 129,486
(1) Adjusted, where applicable, to reflect the 3-for-2 stock split paid July
The following table sets forth the aggregated options/SARs exercised in
the last fiscal year and the aggregated number and value of unexercised options
and SARs at December 31, 2002 for each of the executive officers named in the
"Summary Compensation Table."
Value of
Number of Unexercised
Unexercised In-the-Money
Options/SARs Options/SARs
at Fiscal Year-End (1) at Fiscal Year-
Shares Value (#) End ($)
Acquired on Realized Exercisable/ Exercisable/
Name Exercise (#) (1) ($) Unexercisable Unexercisable
(a) (b) (c) (d) (e)
J. William Johnson......... -- -- 13,866 / 18,223 $246,565 / $205,037
Michael N. Vittorio........ -- -- -- / 9,000 -- / $ 68,400
Arthur J. Lupinacci, Jr.... 8,100 $172,881 21,795 / 10,842 $442,538 / $122,044
Donald L. Manfredonia...... 2,398 $ 48,364 13,950 / 8,674 $273,534 / $ 97,572
Joseph G. Perri............ -- -- 15,448 / 6,793 $326,802 / $ 77,253
(1) Adjusted to reflect the 3-for-2 stock split paid July 2002.
There were no long-term incentive plan awards granted in the last fiscal
Employment Contracts
Messrs. Johnson, Vittorio, Lupinacci, Manfredonia, and Perri have
employment contracts with the Corporation pursuant to which Mr. Johnson is
employed in the position of Chief Executive Officer of the Corporation, Mr.
Vittorio is employed as President of the Corporation and the Bank, Mr. Lupinacci
is employed as Executive Vice President of the Corporation, and Messrs.
Manfredonia and Perri are each employed in the position of Executive Vice
President of the Bank. In addition, each of these officers is also employed in
such other senior executive positions of the Corporation or the Bank as may be
determined by the Board of Directors of the Corporation or the Bank. Mr.
Johnson's contract has a term of three years effective January 1, 2003, Mr.
Vittorio's contract has an initial term which runs through and including
December 31, 2003, Mr. Lupinacci's contract has a term of eighteen months
effective July 1, 2002, and Messrs. Manfredonia and Perri each have a contract
with a term of eighteen months effective January 1, 2003. The term of each of
these contracts is automatically extended at the expiration of each year for an
additional period of one year, thus resulting in a new three-year term for Mr.
Johnson and new eighteen-month terms for Messrs. Vittorio, Lupinacci,
Manfredonia, and Perri. The contracts currently provide for base annual salaries
of $383,000, $250,000, $231,000, $190,000, and $175,000 for Messrs. Johnson,
Vittorio, Lupinacci, Manfredonia, and Perri, respectively, to be paid by the
Corporation or the Bank. The base annual salaries for Messrs. Johnson and
Vittorio include services as a director of the Corporation and the Bank.
Under these contracts, Messrs. Johnson, Vittorio, Lupinacci, Manfredonia,
and Perri are entitled to severance compensation. Generally upon an involuntary
termination of employment or upon a resignation
of employment following a change in control, Messrs. Johnson and Lupinacci are
entitled to receive single sum payments equal to three (3) times and one and
one-half (1.5) times, respectively, the base annual salaries under their
contracts, together with continued family medical and dental insurance coverage.
Upon an involuntary termination of employment or a resignation of employment for
Good Reason, as defined, within twenty-four months following a change of
control, Mr. Vittorio is entitled to receive single sum "Termination Payments"
equal to one (1) times and two (2) times, respectively, the base annual salary
under his contract. In addition, upon a resignation of employment for any reason
during the period beginning on the thirty-first day and ending on the sixtieth
day following a change of control, Mr. Vittorio is entitled to receive a single
sum payment equal to 133 1/3% of the base annual salary under his contract. Mr.
Vittorio is also entitled to continued family medical and dental insurance
coverage after termination. Upon an involuntary termination of employment or a
resignation of employment for Good Reason, as defined, within twenty-four months
following a change of control, Mr. Manfredonia is entitled to receive a single
sum "Termination Payment" equal to one and one-half (1.5) times the base annual
salary under his contract and Mr. Perri is entitled to receive a single sum
"Termination Payment" equal to one and one-quarter (1.25) times the base annual
salary under his contract. In addition, upon a resignation of employment for any
reason during the period beginning on the thirty-first day and ending on the
sixtieth day following a change of control, Mr. Manfredonia and Mr. Perri are
each entitled to receive a single sum payment equal to 66 2/3% of the
Termination Payment under their contracts. Mr. Manfredonia and Mr. Perri are
entitled to continued family medical and dental insurance coverage.
Severance Agreements
Messrs. Curtis, Kick, and Keeney have severance agreements with the
Corporation. Each such agreement has a term of one year effective January 1,
2003. The term of each agreement is automatically renewed for an additional
one-year term, unless the Board of Directors of the Corporation chooses not to
renew and notifies the officer at least thirty days prior to the end of a term.
Each officer's agreement entitles him to a "Termination Payment" and continued
family medical and dental insurance coverage for a period of twelve months in
the event that the officer's employment is terminated within twenty-four months
following a change of control or, under certain circumstances, following the
acquisition of more than 20% of the voting shares of the Corporation by any
entity, person, or group. The Termination Payment and continued medical and
dental insurance coverage also apply if the officer resigns for Good Reason, as
defined, within twenty-four months following a change of control. Each officer's
Termination Payment is equal to 125% of his then current annual base salary.
Alternatively, each officer's agreement entitles him to a payment in the amount
of 66 2/3% of the Termination Payment and continued family medical and dental
insurance coverage in the event that the officer resigns for any reason during
the period beginning on the thirty-first day and ending on the sixtieth day
following a change of control.
The following graph compares the Corporation's total stockholder return
over a 5-year measurement period with (i) the NASDAQ Market Index, and (ii) the
National Commercial Banks Index*.
1/1/98 12/31/98 12/31/99 12/31/00 12/31/01 12/31/02
The First of Long Island 100.00 110.46 74.35 99.56 101.90 146.85
National Commercial Banks 100.00 107.97 91.76 106.20 107.45 98.38
NASDAQ Market Index 100.00 141.04 248.79 156.35 124.64 86.94
Assumes $100 Invested on January 1, 1998
Assumes Dividend Reinvested
Fiscal Year Ended December 31, 2002
* The National Commercial Banks Index consists of nationally chartered
commercial banks and certain other financial institutions which, on the
basis of Standard Industrial Classification (S.I.C.) codes developed by
the U.S. Office of Management and Budget, have been included in the same
industry group as the Corporation.
In 1992, the Bank, as tenant, entered into a lease with Howard Thomas
Hogan, Jr., a director of the Corporation and the Bank, covering premises in a
building located in Locust Valley, New York, used as a branch office. The lease,
which had an initial term of ten years and one month ending on October 30, 2002,
was modified and extended through October 31, 2007. The Bank may, on ninety (90)
days written notice, elect to extend the lease for an additional five (5) year
period. The lease provides for annual base rent of
$30,184 for the year ending October 31, 2003. In addition to base rent, the Bank
is responsible for its proportionate share of the real estate taxes on the
building in which the leased premises are located. The Corporation believes that
the foregoing is comparable to the rent that would be charged by an unrelated
third party.
During 2002, and under the normal terms and conditions of the
Corporation's stock repurchase program, the Corporation purchased 2,465 shares
of common stock from Beverly Anne Gehlmeyer, a director of the Corporation. The
Corporation paid $33.77 per share, representing the average of the bid and ask
price at the time of purchase, for a total aggregate consideration of $83,243.
The Board of Directors of the Corporation ratified this transaction at their
first regularly scheduled meeting following the transaction.
The Bank has had, and expects to have in the future, banking transactions
in the ordinary course of its business with directors, officers, principal
stockholders of the Corporation and their associates. Such transactions,
including borrowings and loan commitments, were made in the ordinary course of
business on substantially the same terms, including interest rates and
collateral, as those prevailing at the time for comparable transactions with
others, and in the opinion of management do not involve more than a normal risk
of collectibility, nor do they present other unfavorable features.
Certain directors are officers, directors, partners, and/or stockholders
of companies or partnerships which, or associates of which, may have been
customers of the Bank in the ordinary course of business during 2002 and up to
the present time. Additional transactions of this type may occur in the future.
All such transactions were effected on substantially the same terms as
comparable transactions with other persons.
Report of Audit Committee
We have reviewed and discussed with management the Company's audited
financial statements as of and for the year ended December 31, 2002.
We have discussed with the independent auditors the matters required to be
discussed by Statement of Auditing Standards No. 61 "Communication with Audit
Committees", as amended, by the Auditing Standards Board of the American
Institute of Certified Public Accountants.
We have reviewed the written disclosures and letter from the independent
auditors required by Independence Standard No. 1, "Independence Discussions with
Audit Committees", as amended, by the Independence Standard Board, and have
discussed with the auditors the auditors' independence.
Based on the review and discussions referred to above, we recommend to the
Board of Directors that the financial statements referred to above be included
in the Company's Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended December 31,
Walter C. Teagle III
Allen E. Busching
Beverly Ann Gehlmeyer
John R. Miller III
Audit Committee Charter and Independence
The Audit Committee is governed by a written charter adopted by the Board
of Directors of both the Corporation and the Bank. All of the members of the
Audit Committee are independent directors as defined in Marketplace Rule
4200(a)(14) of The Nasdaq Stock Market, Inc.
The preceding report and information and the Audit Committee charter shall
not be deemed incorporated by reference by any general statement incorporating
by reference this Proxy Statement into any filing under the Securities Act of
1933 (the "1933 Act") or the Securities Act of 1934 (the "1934 Act"), except to
the extent the Corporation specifically incorporates this information by
reference, and shall not otherwise be deemed filed under the 1933 Act or the
1934 Act.
The consolidated financial statements for the year ended December 31, 2002
were examined by Grant Thornton LLP. It is anticipated that the Board of
Directors will reappoint Grant Thornton LLP as the Corporation's independent
public accountants for 2003. A representative of Grant Thornton LLP will be
present at the Annual Meeting of Stockholders and will have the opportunity to
make a statement and respond to appropriate questions from stockholders.
Audit Fees
Grant Thornton LLP's fees for audit services for the 2002 year are
$86,500. Audit services include the following: (1) professional services
rendered for the audit of the Corporation's annual financial statements; (2)
reviews of the financial statements included in the Corporation's Forms 10-Q for
the quarters ended June 30 and September 30, 2002 (the quarter ended March 31,
2002 was reviewed by Arthur Andersen LLP, the Corporation's former auditors, for
a fee of $5,000); (3) a reading of the Corporation's annual report on Form 10-K;
(4) rendering an opinion on management's assertion about the effectiveness of
the Bank's internal control structure over financial reporting; and (5)
consultation on matters related to accounting and financial reporting.
All Other Fees
Other than audit fees, the Corporation paid other fees during 2002 which
amounted to $17,000, $10,000 of which was paid to Arthur Andersen LLP, the
Corporation's former auditors, and the balance of which was paid to Grant
Thornton LLP. These fees were paid for tax services. The Audit Committee of the
Board of Directors determined that these services were not incompatible with
Arthur Andersen LLP or Grant Thornton LLP maintaining their independence.
The Board of Directors of the Corporation does not know of any matters for
action by stockholders at the annual meeting other than the matters described in
the notice. However, the enclosed Proxy will confer discretionary authority with
respect to matters which are not known to the Board of Directors at the time of
the printing hereof and which may properly come before the meeting. It is the
intention of the persons named in the Proxy to vote such Proxy with respect to
such matters in accordance with their best judgment.
The entire expense of preparing, assembling and mailing the enclosed
material will be borne by the Corporation. In addition to using the mails,
directors, officers and employees of The First National Bank of Long Island (the
"Bank"), a wholly-owned subsidiary of the Corporation, acting on behalf of the
Corporation, and without extra compensation, may solicit proxies in person, by
telephone or by facsimile.
Any proposals of stockholders intended to be submitted at the 2004 Annual
Meeting of Stockholders must be received by the Chairman of the Board or the
President no later than November 5, 2003 in order to be included in the proxy
statement and form of proxy for such meeting. If the Corporation is not notified
of a stockholder proposal by January 19, 2004, then the proxies held by
management of the Corporation may provide the discretion to vote against such
stockholder proposal, even though such proposal is not included in the proxy
statement and form of proxy.
Consolidated financial statements for the Corporation and the Bank are
included in the Corporation's 2002 Annual Report to Stockholders, which was
mailed with this Proxy Statement. In addition, copies of the 2002 Annual Report
or the annual report on Form 10-K as filed with the Securities and Exchange
Commission for 2002 will be sent to any stockholder upon written request without
charge. Such request should be directed to Mark D. Curtis, Senior Vice President
and Treasurer, at the Corporation's principal office, 10 Glen Head Road, Glen
Head, New York, 11545. The financial statements contained in the Corporation's
2002 Annual Report are not part of this Proxy Statement.
By Order of the Board of Directors
Joseph G. Perri
March 4, 2003 Senior Vice President and Secretary
APRIL 15, 2003
KNOW ALL PERSONS BY THESE PRESENTS that I, the undersigned, being a
hereby constitute and appoint STEPHEN P. LYON AND JOHN H. TREIBER or either one
of them (with full power to act alone), my true and lawful attorney(s), with
full power of substitution, to attend the Annual Meeting of Stockholders of said
Corporation, to be held at the AMERICAN LEGION HALL, 190 GLEN HEAD ROAD, GLEN
HEAD, NEW YORK, on Tuesday, April 15, 2003, at 3:30 P.M. local time, or any and
all adjournments thereof, and to vote all stock owned by me or standing in my
name, place and stead on the proposals of the Board of Directors specified in
the Notice of Meeting dated March 4, 2003, with all powers I would possess if I
were personally present, hereby ratifying and confirming all that my said Proxy
or Proxies may do, in my name, place and stead, as follows:
With- For All
For hold Except
1. Election of Directors |_| |_| |_|
To elect five (5) Directors,
each for a term of two (2) years
(except as marked to the contrary
INSTRUCTION: To withhold authority to vote for any individual nominee(s), mark
"For All Except" and write the name(s) of any such nominee(s) in the space
provided below.
2. Other Matters: If any other business is presented at said meeting, this
Proxy shall be voted in accordance with the best judgement of the Proxies.
The shares represented by a properly executed Proxy will be voted as
Please be sure to sign and date this Proxy in the box below. Date
Stockholder sign above Co-holder (if any) sign above
Detach above card, sign, date and mail in postage paid envelope provided.