Proxy Statement Pursuant to Section 14(a) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934
Filed by the Registrant [X]
Filed by a party other than the Registrant [ ]
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[X] Preliminary Proxy Statement
[ ] Confidential, for Use of the Commission Only (as permitted by Rule
[ ] Definitive Proxy Statement
[ ] Definitive Additional Materials
[ ] Soliciting Material Pursuant toss.240.14a-12
Boulder Brewing Company
(Name of registrant as Specified In Its Charter)
Payment of Filing Fee (Check the appropriate box)
[X] No fee required.
[ ] Fee computed on table below per Exchange Act Rules 14a-6(i)(1) and
1) Title of each class of securities to which transaction applies:
2) Aggregate number of securities to which transaction applies:
3) per unit price or other underlying value of transaction computed
pursuant to Exchange Act Rule 0-11 (Set forth the amount on which the
filing fee is calculated and state how it was determined):
4) Proposed maximum aggregate value of transaction:
5) Total fee paid:
[ ] Fee paid previously with preliminary materials.
[ ] Check box if any part of the fee is offset as provided by Exchange Act
Rule 0-11(a)(2) and identify the filing for which the offsetting fee
was paid previously. Identify the previous filing by registration
statement number, or the Form or Schedule and the date of its filing.
1) Amount Previously Paid:
2) Form, Schedule or Registration Statement No.:
3) Filing Party:
4) Dated Filed:
Boulder Brewing Company
211 West Wall Street
Midland, Texas 79701
Proxy Statement for
Special Meeting of Shareholders
To Be Held August 24, 2001
The enclosed Proxy is solicited by the Board of Directors of Boulder Brewing
Company (the "Company") for use in voting at a Special Meeting of Shareholders
to be held at 211 West Wall Street, Midland, Texas 79701, on Friday, August 24,
2001, at 5:00 p.m. (local time), and at any postponement or adjournment thereof,
for the purposes set forth in the attached Notice of Special Meeting of
Shareholders. When proxies are properly dated, executed and returned, the shares
they represent will be voted at the Special Meeting in accordance with the
instructions of the shareholder completing the proxy. If no specific
instructions are given, the shares will be voted FOR the election of the
nominees for directors set forth herein, FOR ratification of the selection of
Scott W. Hatfield CPA as the Company's independent auditors, FOR the proposed
1:5 reverse split of the currently outstanding shares of Company Common Stock
and FOR the proposed change of the Company's state of incorporation from
Colorado to Nevada. A shareholder giving a proxy has the power to revoke it at
any time prior to its exercise by voting in person at the Special Meeting, by
giving written notice of revocation to the Company's Secretary prior to the
Special Meeting or by giving a later dated proxy.
The presence at the Special Meeting, in person or by proxy, of shareholders
holding in the aggregate a majority of the outstanding shares of the Company's
Common Stock entitled to vote shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of
business. The Company does not have cumulative voting for directors; a plurality
of the votes properly cast for the election of directors by the shareholders
attending the Special Meeting, in person or by proxy, will elect directors to
office. A majority of votes properly cast upon any proposal presented for
consideration and shareholder action at the Special Meeting, other than the
election of directors, shall decide the proposal. Abstentions and broker
non-votes will be included in the number of shareholders present for the purpose
of determining the presence of a quorum, but will not be counted either in favor
of or against the election of directors or any other proposals and, accordingly,
will have no effect. Under the rules of the National Association of Securities
Dealers, brokers holding stock for the accounts of their clients who have not
been given specific voting instructions as to a matter by their clients may vote
their clients' proxies in their own discretion.
Shareholders of record as of the close of business on July 9, 2001 are entitled
to notice of, and to vote at, the Special Meeting. Each share shall be entitled
to one vote on all matters. As of the June 15, 2001, there were 118,953,529
shares of the Company's Common Stock outstanding, held of record by 3,033
shareholders. For a description of the principal holders of such stock, see
"Security Ownership of Certain Beneficial Owners and Management" below.
This Special Meeting of Shareholders of Boulder Brewing Company will consider
and act upon the following matters:
1. To elect three (3) directors to hold office until the next
annual election of directors by shareholders or until their
respective successors have been duly elected and shall have
2. To ratify the appointment of independent auditors to examine
the accounts of the Company for the fiscal year ending
December 31, 2001;
3. To act upon a proposed 1:5 reverse split of the currently
outstanding shares of Company Common Stock; and
4. To act on a proposal to change the Company's state of
incorporation from Colorado to Nevada
5. To transact such other business as may properly come before
the meeting or any adjournments thereof.
Boulder Brewing Company was incorporated in May 8, 1980 and operated as a
microbrewery of various beers. In 1983 the Company filed a Registration
Statement on Form S-18 (SEC File Number 2-84351-D) and in 1987 the Company filed
a Registration Statement on form S-1 (SEC File Number 33-16287). In 1984, in
connection with an attempted expansion of its business, the Company commenced
construction of a brewery which was substantially completed in October 1984 and
opened June 1985. The construction of this facility along with the movement of
equipment and personnel interrupted the sales of the Company's existing product
and hampered cash flow. The Company was unable to become profitable within any
segment of its core business, became illiquid and was forced to divest itself of
all assets. The company became dormant without any operations or assets in the
second quarter of 1990.
Proposed Business
The Company intends to locate and combine with an existing, privately-held
company which is profitable or, in management's view, has growth potential,
irrespective of the industry in which it is engaged. However, the Company does
not intend to combine with a private company which may be deemed to be an
investment company subject to the Investment Company Act of 1940. A combination
may be structured as a merger, consolidation, exchange of the Company's common
stock for stock or assets or any other form, which will result in the combined
enterprises becoming a publicly held corporation.
Pending negotiation and consummation of a combination, the Company anticipates
that it will have, aside from carrying on its search for a combination partner,
no business activities, and, thus, will have no source of revenue. Should the
Company incur any significant liabilities prior to a combination with a private
company, it may not be able to satisfy such liabilities as are incurred.
If the Company's management pursues one or more combination opportunities beyond
the preliminary negotiations stage and those negotiations are subsequently
terminated, it is foreseeable that such efforts will exhaust the Company's
ability to continue to seek such combination opportunities before any successful
combination can be consummated. In that event, the Company's common stock will
become worthless and holders of the Company's common stock will receive a
nominal distribution, if any, upon the Company's liquidation and dissolution.
Combination Suitability Standards
In its pursuit for a combination partner, the Company's management intends to
consider only combination candidates which are profitable or, in management's
view, have growth potential. The Company's management does not intend to pursue
any combination proposal beyond the preliminary negotiation stage with any
combination candidate which does not furnish the Company with audited financial
statements for at least its most recent fiscal year and unaudited financial
statements for interim periods subsequent to the date of such audited financial
statements, or is in a position to provide such financial statements in a timely
manner. The Company will, if necessary funds are available, engage attorneys
and/or accountants in its efforts to investigate a combination candidate and to
consummate a business combination. The Company may require payment of fees by
such combination candidate to fund the investigation of such candidate. In the
event such a combination candidate is engaged in a high technology business, the
Company may also obtain reports from independent organizations of recognized
standing covering the technology being developed and/or used by the candidate.
The Company's limited financial resources may make the acquisition of such
reports difficult or even impossible to obtain and, thus, there can be no
assurance that the Company will have sufficient funds to obtain such reports
when considering combination proposals or candidates. To the extent the Company
is unable to obtain the advice or reports from experts, the risks of any
combined enterprises being unsuccessful will be enhanced
The Company's Bylaws, as amended, provide that the number of directors
shall be determined from time to time by the shareholders or the Board of
Directors, but that there shall be not less than three directors. The Company's
Board of Directors currently consists of three members, all of whom are nominees
for election at this Special Meeting. The Company believes that it is
appropriate to elect directors at this Special Meeting, since the Company has
been dormant for an extended period and management wishes to confirm the
appointment of these directors. Each director elected at this Special Meeting
will hold office until a successor is elected and qualified, or until the
director resigns, is removed or becomes disqualified. Unless marked otherwise,
proxies received will be voted FOR the election of each of the nominees named
below. If either such person is unable or unwilling to serve as a nominee for
the office of director at the date of this Special meeting or any postponement
or adjournment thereof, the proxies may be voted for a substitute nominee,
designated by the proxy holders or by the present Board of Directors to fill
such vacancy. The Board of Directors has no reason to believe that any of such
nominees will be unwilling or unable to serve if elected as a director. The
Company does not have a Nominating Committee of the Board of Directors.
The following information is furnished with respect to the nominees. Stock
ownership information is shown under the heading "Security Ownership of Certain
Beneficial Owners and Management" and is based upon information furnished by the
respective individuals.
Nominees for Director
Position with Expiration of Initial Date
Name Age the Company Term as Director of Service
---- --- ------------- ---------------- ------------
Glenn A. Little 48 Director, President Next Annual Meeting 5/1995
Matthew Blair 46 Director, Secretary Next Annual Meeting 5/1995
Michael Lawrence 49 Director Next Annual Meeting 9/1989
Glenn A. Little is a graduate of The University of Florida, Gainesville,
(Bachelor of Science in Business Administration) and the American Graduate
School of International Management (Master International Management) and has
been the principal of Little and Company Investment Securities (LITCO), a
Securities Broker/Dealer with offices in Midland, Texas, since 1979. Mr. Little
currently serves as an officer and director of other inactive public
corporations having the same business purpose as the Company. Before founding
LITCO, Mr. Little as a stockbroker with Howard, Weil, Labouisse Friedrich in New
Orleans, Louisiana, and Midland, Texas, and worked for the First National Bank
of Commerce in New Orleans, Louisiana.
Matthew Blair was formerly a solo practitioner of law in Midland, Texas and is
presently a Title IV-D Master in Midland County Texas. Before opening his
practice he served in the Legal Department of the Federal Deposit Insurance
Corporation (FDIC), Midland, Texas where he gained exposure to corporate
structures and debt workouts. His employment before the FDIC appointment was
with Texas American Energy and Exxon Corporation. Mr. Blair received a Bachelor
of Arts in Government from The University of Texas at Austin (1975) and Juris
Doctor from Texas Tech University School of Law (1979). He is licensed in every
state court in Texas, United States District Court (Texas) and in The United
States Supreme Court.
Michael Lawrence has served as a Director since September 1989 and worked for
the company as a Brewmaster and operations manager for the Company. Currently he
resides in Arkansas and is involved in the antique industry.
Each of the directors has been elected to serve until the next annual election
of directors by shareholders or until their respective successors have been duly
elected and shall have qualified. It is proposed that all nominees be elected
for a term of like duration at the upcoming Special Meeting of Shareholders.
The Board of Directors does not contemplate that any of the above-named nominees
for director will be unable to accept election as a director of the Company, or
be unable to serve as a director of the Company. Should any of the nominees
become unavailable for nomination or election as a result of circumstances not
now known or foreseen, then the persons named in the enclosed form of Proxy
intend to vote the shares represented in such Proxy for the election of such
other person or persons as the Board of Directors may select, unless otherwise
directed by such Proxy. The nominee directors are not related by blood, marriage
or adoption.
Director Compensation
The Company currently does not compensate its directors for their serving as
Executive Compensation
The Company's officers receive no compensation for their efforts on behalf of
the Company. It is expected that, unless and until the Company is successful in
consummating a business combination transaction, the officers of the Company
will continue not to be compensated.
Certain Relationships and Related Transactions
The Company's President, Mr. Glenn A. Little, has agreed to provide funds to the
Company sufficient to cover Company expenses relating to its SEC periodic
reporting and other minor corporate expenses
Security Ownership of Certain Beneficial Owners and Management
The following table sets forth as of July 9, 2001, the stock ownership of (i)
each officer and director of the Company, (ii) all officers and directors as a
group, and (iii) each shareholder known by the Company to be a beneficial owner
of 5% or more of the Company's Common Stock . At July 9, 2001, there were
118,953,529 shares of Company Common Stock issued and outstanding.
Name and Address of Number of Shares
5% Beneficial Owners, of Common Stock
Executive Officers Beneficially Owned
and Directors(2) at July 9, 2001 Percent Owned(1)
---------------- ------------------ --------------
Glenn A. Little (1) -0- -0-
211 West Wall Street
Midland, Texas 79701
Matthew Blair (1) -0- -0-
211 West Wall Street
Midland, Texas 79701
Michael Lawrence (1) 2,475,000 2.08%
190 Sycamore Springs Trial
Mountain Home, AR 72653-8980
2,475,000 2.08%(2)
(1) Based on 118,953,529 shares outstanding.
(2) All officers and directors as a group (3 persons)
Election of Directors and Proposals for the Annual Meeting of Stockholders
Each director elected at the Special Meeting will hold office until a successor
is elected and qualified at the next Annual Meeting, or until the director
resigns, is removed or becomes disqualified. Unless marked otherwise, proxies
received will be voted FOR the election of each of the nominees previously
The Board of Directors of the Company has selected Scott W. Hatfield CPA as the
independent auditors for the Company for the fiscal year ending December 31,
2001. There is no legal requirement for submitting this proposal to the
shareholders; however, the Board of Directors believes that it is of sufficient
importance to seek ratification of its action.
Scott W. Hatfield CPA
The Board of Directors of the Company has approved a reverse split of the
currently outstanding shares of Company Common Stock, whereby every 5 currently
outstanding shares will become one (1) issued and outstanding share, meaning
that the 118,953,529 issued and outstanding shares will become approximately
23,790,705 shares. Each fractional shareholder will receive a cash payment of
$.05 for each fractional share held following the reverse split. If the proposed
reverse split is approved at the Special Meeting, shareholders will not be
required to take any action to complete the reverse split. Neither the par value
of the Company's Common Stock nor the number of authorized shares of Company
Common Stock would be affected by the proposed reverse split of the Company's
Common Stock.
At a meeting held on May 15, 2001, the Board of Directors of the
Company unanimously approved an exchange of each share of the Company's common
stock for one share of common stock, $.01 par value, of Boulder Brewing Company,
Inc., a newly formed Nevada corporation which is currently a wholly-owned
subsidiary of the Company, for the purpose of effecting a reincorporation of the
Company in Nevada (the "Reincorporation"). The Reincorporation will be achieved
pursuant to an Agreement and Plan of Merger ("Merger Agreement"), substantially
in the form of Exhibit A to this Information Statement, pursuant to which the
Company is to be merged into its newly-formed, wholly-owned subsidiary, Boulder
Brewing Company., a Nevada corporation (the "Subsidiary"). Provided the Board
has not previously determined to abandon the Merger, on the effective date of
the Reincorporation, the Company will be merged into the Subsidiary (the
"Merger"). The Subsidiary will be the Surviving Corporation of the Merger and,
pursuant to the Merger Agreement, it will retain the Subsidiary's corporate
name, and all of the business, properties, management and capitalization of the
Company will be transferred to the Subsidiary.
Terms and Effect of the Merger
Pursuant to the provisions of the Merger Agreement, the Company will be
merged with and into the Subsidiary, which is a wholly-owned subsidiary of the
Company incorporated in Nevada solely for the purpose of effecting the Merger.
The Subsidiary will be the continuing and surviving company (the "Surviving
Corporation") of the Merger. The Subsidiary's Certificate of Incorporation and
By-Laws will become those of the Surviving Corporation. Upon consummation of the
Merger, the shareholders of the Company will become shareholders of the
Surviving Corporation, the Company will cease to exist as a Colorado
corporation, and the Company's state of incorporation and legal domicile will
become Nevada.
The Surviving Corporation will succeed to all of the business,
operations, properties and assets of the Company and will assume and become
responsible for all of the Company's liabilities and obligations. The corporate
headquarters of the Company will be 211 West Wall Street, Midland. Texas 79701.
The directors and officers serving the Company in such capacities on the
Effective Date (as defined below) will hold the same offices with the Surviving
On the Effective Date, each outstanding share of the Company's Common
Stock, $.001 par value per share, will be converted automatically into one share
of the Surviving Corporation's Common Stock, with $.001 par value per share. The
Surviving Corporation's Common Stock will possess in all material respects the
identical rights, powers, privileges and limitations currently held by the
Company's Common Stock, subject to any differences between Colorado and Nevada
corporate law.
Assuming the requisite shareholder authorization and approval of the
Merger is obtained at the Special Meeting, it is presently anticipated that the
Merger will be consummated on or about September 6, 2001, or as soon thereafter
as is practicable in the discretion of the Board of Directors (the date of the
effectiveness of the Merger being referred to herein as the "Effective Date").
The Board of Directors of the Company has, however, reserved the right to
abandon the Merger for any reason, including a significant number of dissenting
shareholders, prior to the Effective Date.
Charter and By-Laws
The rights, powers, privileges and limitations of the Company's
shareholders, who, upon consummation of the Merger, will become stockholders of
the Surviving Corporation, will be governed by the internal laws of the State of
Nevada and by the terms and provisions of the Certificate of Incorporation and
By-Laws of the Surviving Corporation. The Certificate of Incorporation of the
Subsidiary is substantially similar to the Certificate of Incorporation of the
Company, and the By-Laws of both the Company and the Surviving Corporation
generally contain similar provisions.
Shareholder Approval
Under Colorado law, approval of the Merger and the resulting
Reincorporation will require the affirmative vote of at least a majority of the
outstanding shares of common stock entitled to vote on the Reincorporation. The
Reincorporation may be abandoned either before or after shareholder approval if
circumstances should develop which, in the opinion of the Company's Board of
Directors, render proceeding with the Reincorporation inadvisable.
Approval/Dissenters' Rights
Stockholders of the Company generally have appraisal rights with
respect to Reincorporation. For a description of the procedure for asserting
appraisal rights of dissenting shareholders under Colorado law, see attached
Exhibit B.
Accounting Treatment of the Merger
The Reincorporation is expected to have little or no effect on the
financial accounting of the Company. The Reincorporation will not result in any
change in the bases of any of the assets or liabilities of the Company for
financial purposes.
Management and Control
Upon completion of the Reorganization, the Management of the Company
will become the management of the Subsidiary.
As of the date of this Proxy Statement, the Board of Directors of the
Company does not intend to present, and has not been informed that any other
person intends to present, a matter for action at the Special Meeting other than
as set forth herein and in the Notice of Special Meeting. If any other matter
properly comes before the meeting, it is intended that the holders of proxies
will act in accordance with their best judgment.
The accompanying proxy is being solicited on behalf of the Board of Directors of
the Company. In addition to the solicitation of proxies by mail, certain of the
officers and employees of the Company, without extra compensation, may solicit
proxies personally or by telephone, and, if deemed necessary, third party
solicitation agents may be engaged by the Company to solicit proxies by means of
telephone, facsimile or telegram, although no such third party has been engaged
by the Company as of the date hereof. The Company will also request brokerage
houses, nominees, custodians and fiduciaries to forward soliciting materials to
the beneficial owners of Common Stock held of record and will reimburse such
persons for forwarding such material. The cost of this solicitation of proxies
will be borne by the Company.
THE FOLLOWING ADDRESS: 211 West Wall Street, Midland, Texas 79701. A request for
a copy of the Company's Annual Report on Form 10-KSB must set forth a good-faith
representation that the requesting party was either a holder of record or a
beneficial owner of Common Stock of the Company on June 15, 2001 Exhibits to the
Form 10-KSB, if any, will be mailed upon similar request and payment of
specified fees to cover the costs of copying and mailing such materials.
Any shareholder proposal intended to be considered for inclusion in the
proxy statement for presentation in connection with this Special Meeting of
Shareholders must be received by the Company by August 10, 2001. The Company
suggests that any such request be submitted by certified mail, return receipt
requested. The Board of Directors will review any proposal and determine whether
it is a proper proposal to present to the Special Meeting of Shareholders.
The enclosed Proxy is furnished for you to specify your choices with
respect to the matters referred to in the accompanying Notice and described in
this Proxy Statement. If you wish to vote in accordance with the recommendations
of the Board of Directors, merely sign, date and return the Proxy. A prompt
return of your Proxy will be appreciated.
By Order of the Board of Directors
Matthew Blair
July 9, 2001
Midland, Texas
Agreement and Plan of Merger and Reorganization dated September , 2001 by and
between Boulder Brewing Company, a Colorado corporation ("Boulder-Colorado"),
and Boulder Acquisitions, Inc., a Nevada corporation ("Boulder-Nevada")
(hereinafter, Boulder-Colorado and Boulder-Nevada being called the "Constituent
1. The Board of Directors of Boulder-Colorado and Boulder-Nevada have
resolved that Boulder-Colorado be merged (hereinafter called the
"merger") under and pursuant to the Nevada Statutes Revised and the
Colorado Business Corporation Act into a single corporation existing
under the laws of the State of Nevada, to wit, Boulder-Nevada, which
shall be the surviving corporation (such corporation in its capacity as
such surviving corporation being sometimes referred to herein as the
"Surviving Corporation") in a transaction qualifying as a
reorganization within the meaning of Section 368(a)(1)(F) of the
Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended;
2. The authorized capital stock of Boulder-Colorado consists of
160,000,000 shares of capital stock with a par value of $.001 per share
(hereinafter called "Boulder-Colorado Stock") 118,953,529 shares of
which are issued and outstanding;
3. The authorized capital stock of Boulder-Nevada consists of 100,000,000
shares of capital stock with a par value of $.001 per share
(hereinafter called "Boulder-Nevada Stock") 1,000 shares of which are
issued and outstanding;
4. The respective Boards of Directors of Boulder-Colorado and
Boulder-Nevada have approved the Merger upon the terms and conditions
hereinafter set forth and have approved this Agreement.
NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the premises and the mutual
agreements, provisions and covenants herein contained, the parties hereto hereby
agree, in accordance with the Nevada Revised Statutes and the Colorado Business
Corporation Act, that Boulder-Colorado shall be, at the Effective Date (as
hereinafter defined), merged into a single corporation existing under the laws
of the State of Nevada, to wit, Boulder-Nevada, which shall be the Surviving
Corporation, and the parties hereto adopt and agree to the following agreements,
terms and conditions relating to the Merger and the mode of carrying the same
into effect.
1.1 Action by Shareholders of Boulder-Colorado. Boulder-Colorado shall
obtain the consent of its shareholders, in accordance with the Colorado Business
Corporation Act, at the earliest practicable date, which written consent shall,
among other matters, adopt and ratify this Agreement.
1.2 Action by Boulder-Colorado as Sole Shareholder of Boulder-Nevada.
At the earliest practicable date, Boulder-Colorado, as the sole shareholder of
Boulder-Nevada, shall adopt this Agreement in accordance with the Nevada Revised
1.3 Filing of Articles of Merger, Effective Date. If (a) this Agreement
is adopted by the shareholders of Boulder-Colorado, in accordance with the
Colorado Business Corporation Act, (b) this Agreement has been adopted by
Boulder-Colorado as the sole shareholder of Boulder-Nevada, in accordance with
the Nevada Revised Statutes, and (c) this Agreement is not thereafter, and has
not theretofore been terminated or abandoned as permitted by the provisions
hereof, then an Articles of Merger shall be filed and recorded in accordance
with the Nevada Revised Statutes and an Articles of Merger shall be filed and
recorded in accordance with the Colorado Business Corporation Act. Such filings
shall be made on the same day. The Merger shall become effective at 9:00 A.M. on
the calendar day following the day of such filing in Nevada, which date and time
is herein referred to as the "Effective Date."
1.4 Certain Effects of Merger. On the Effective Date, the separate
existence of Boulder-Colorado shall cease, and Boulder-Colorado shall be merged
into Boulder-Nevada which, as the Surviving Corporation, shall possess all the
rights, privileges, powers and franchises, of a public as well as of a private
nature, and be subject to all the restrictions, disabilities and duties of each
of the Constituent Corporations; and all and singular, the rights, privileges,
powers and franchises of the Constituent Corporations, and all property, real,
personal and mixed, and all debts due to the Constituent Corporations on
whatever account, as well as for stock subscriptions and all other things in
action or belonging to such Constituent Corporations, shall be vested in the
Surviving Corporation; and all property, rights, privileges, powers and
franchises, and all and every other interest shall be thereafter as effectually
the property of the Surviving Corporation as they were of the Constituent
Corporations, and the title to any real estate vested by deed or otherwise,
under the laws of Colorado, Nevada or any other jurisdiction, in any of the
Constituent Corporations, shall not revert or be in any way impaired; but all
rights of creditors and all liens upon any property of any of the Constituent
Corporations shall be preserved unimpaired, and all debts, liabilities and
duties of the Constituent Corporations shall thenceforth attach to the Surviving
Corporation and may be enforced against it to the same extent as if said debts,
liabilities and duties had been incurred or contracted by it. At any time, or
from time to time, after the Effective Date, the last acting officers of
Boulder-Colorado, or the corresponding officers of the Surviving Corporation
may, in the name of Boulder-Colorado, execute and deliver all such proper deeds,
assignments and other instruments and take or cause to be taken all such further
or other action as the Surviving Corporation may deem necessary or desirable in
order to vest, perfect or confirm in the Surviving Corporation title to and
possession of all of the Constituent Corporations property, rights, privileges,
powers, franchises, immunities and interests and otherwise to carry out the
purposes of this Agreement.
2.1 Name of Surviving Corporation. The name of the Surviving
Corporation from and after the Effective Date shall be Boulder Acquisitions,
2.2 Articles of Incorporation. The Articles of Incorporation of
Boulder-Nevada as in effect on the date hereof, shall, from and after the
Effective Date, be and continue to be the Articles of Incorporation of the
Surviving Corporation, until changed or amended as provided by law.
2.3 Bylaws. The Bylaws of Boulder-Nevada, as in effect immediately
before the Effective Date shall, from and after the Effective Date, be and
continue to be the Bylaws of the Surviving Corporation, until amended as
provided therein.
3.1 Boulder-Colorado Stock. Each share of Boulder-Colorado Stock which
shall be issued and outstanding immediately before the Effective Date shall, by
virtue of the Merger and without any action on the part of the holder thereof,
be converted at the Effective Date into one (1) fully paid share of
Boulder-Nevada Stock.
3.2 Boulder-Nevada Stock held by Boulder-Colorado. All issued and
outstanding shares of Boulder-Nevada Stock held by Boulder-Colorado immediately
before the Effective Date shall, by virtue of the Merger and at the Effective
Date, cease to exist and the certificate(s) representing such shares shall be
3.3 Surrender of Certificates. After the Effective Date, certificates
evidencing outstanding shares of Boulder-Colorado Stock shall evidence the right
of the holder thereof to receive a certificate(s) for shares of Boulder-Nevada
Stock as aforesaid. Holders of certificates representing shares of
Boulder-Colorado Stock, upon surrender of such certificates to the transfer
agent of the Boulder-Nevada Stock to effect the exchange of certificates, shall
be entitled to receive, upon such surrender, a certificate or certificates
representing a like number of shares of Boulder-Nevada Stock. Until so
surrendered, outstanding certificates for shares of Boulder-Colorado Stock shall
be deemed for all corporate purposes, including voting rights, subject to the
further provisions of this Article 3, to evidence the ownership of the shares of
Boulder-Nevada Stock into which such shares of Boulder-Colorado Stock have been
so converted. No dividends or distributions will be paid to the person entitled
to receive certificates for shares of Boulder-Nevada Stock pursuant hereto until
such person shall have surrendered his Boulder-Colorado Stock certificates; but
there shall be paid to the record holder of such certificate, with respect to
the number of shares of Boulder-Nevada Stock issued in exchange therefor (i)
upon such surrender, the amount of any dividends or distributions with a record
date after the Effective Date and before surrender which shall have become
payable thereon since the Effective Date, without interest; and (ii) after such
surrender, the amount of any dividends thereon with a record date after the
Effective Date and before surrender and the payment date of which shall be after
surrender, such amount to be paid on such payment date. If any certificate for
shares of Boulder-Nevada Stock is to be issued in a name other than that in
which the certificate surrendered in exchange therefor is registered, it shall
be a condition of the issuance thereof that the certificate so surrendered shall
be properly endorsed and otherwise be in proper form for transfer and that the
taxes required by reason of the issuance of a certificate for shares of
Boulder-Nevada Stock in any name other than that of the registered holder of the
certificate surrendered, or establish to the satisfaction of the transfer agent
that such tax has been paid or is not payable. At the Effective Date of the
Merger, all shares of Boulder-Colorado Stock which shall then be held in its
treasury, if any, shall cease to exist, and all certificates representing such
shares shall be canceled.
4.1 This Agreement may be terminated and the proposed Merger abandoned
at any time before the Effective Date of the Merger, and whether before or after
approval of this Agreement of Merger and Plan of Merger and Reorganization by
the mutual agreement of the Board of Directors of the Constituent Corporations
abandoning this Agreement of Merger and Plan of Merger and Reorganization.
4.2 On and after the Effective Date of the Merger, the officers and
directors of Boulder-Nevada shall remain in such positions until their earlier
resignation or removal.
4.3 For the convenience of the parties hereto and to facilitate the
filing of this Agreement of Merger and Plan of Merger and Reorganization, any
number of counterparts hereof may be executed; and each such counterpart shall
be deemed to be an original instrument.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, this Agreement has been executed by Boulder Brewing
Company, a Colorado corporation, and Boulder Acquisitions, Inc., a Nevada
corporation, all on the date first above written.
Boulder Acquisitions, Inc.
(a Nevada corporation)
/S/ Glenn A. Little
Glenn A. Little, President
Boulder Brewing Company
(a Colorado corporation)
/S/ Glenn A. Little
Glenn A. Little, President
Dissenter's rights
Part I
Right of Dissent - Payment for Shares
7-113-101 Definitions.-For purposes of this article:
" Beneficial shareholder" means the beneficial owner of shares held in a voting
trust or by a nominee as the record shareholder.
"Corporation" means the issuer of the shares held by a dissenter before the
corporation action, or the surviving or acquiring domestic or foreign
corporation, by merger or share exchange of that issuer.
(3) "Dissenter" means a shareholder who is entitled to dissent from
corporate action under section 7/113-102 and who exercises that right
at the time and in the manner required by part 2 of this article.
"Fair value", with respect to a dissenter's shares, means the value of the
shares immediately before the effective date of the corporate action to which
the dissenter objects, excluding any appreciation or depreciation in
anticipation of the corporate action except to the extent that exclusion would
be inequitable.
"Interest" means interest from the effective date of the corporate action until
the date of payment, at the average rate currently paid by the corporation on
its principal bank loans or, if none, at the legal rate as specified in section
5-12-101, C.R.S.
"Record shareholder" means the person in whose name shares are registered in the
records of a corporation or the beneficial owner of shares that are registered
in the name of a nominee to the extent such owner is recognized by the
corporation as the shareholder as provided in section 7-107-204.
"Shareholder" means either a record shareholder or a beneficial shareholder.
7-133-102 RIGHT TO DISSENT.-(1) A shareholder, whether or not entitled to vote,
is entitled to dissent and obtain payment of the fair value of the shareholder's
shares in the event of any of the following corporate actions:
(a) Consummation of a plan of merger to which the corporation is a
party if:
Approval by the shareholders of that corporation is required for the merger by
section 7-111-103 or 7-111-104 or by the articles of incorporation; or
The corporation is a subsidiary that is merged with its parent corporation under
section 7-111-104;
(b) Consummation of a plan of share exchange to which the corporation
is a party as the corporation whose shares will be acquired;
(c) Consummation of a sale, lease, exchange, or other disposition of
all, or substantially all, of the property of the corporation for which a
shareholder vote is required under section 7-112-102 (1); and
(d) consummation of a sale, lease, exchange or other disposition of
all, or substantially all, of the property of an entity controlled by the
corporation if the shareholders of the corporation were entitled to vote upon
the consent of the corporation to the disposition pursuant to section
(1.3) A shareholder is not entitled to dissent and obtain payment,
under subsection (1) of this section, of the fair value of the shares of any
class or series of shares which either were listed on a national securities
exchange registered under the federal "Securities Exchange Act of 1934", as
amended, or on the national market system of the National Association of
Securities Dealers Automated Quotation System, or were held of record by more
than two thousand shareholders, at the time of:
The record date fixed under section 7-107-107 to determine the
shareholders entitled to receive notice of the shareholders' meeting at
which the corporate action is submitted to a vote;
The record date fixed under section 7-107-104 to determine shareholders
entitled to sign writings consenting to the corporate action; or
The effective date of the corporate action if the corporate action is
authorized other than by a vote of shareholders.
(1.8) The limitation set forth in subsection (1.3) of this section
shall not apply if the shareholder will receive for the shareholder's
shares, pursuant to the corporate action, anything except:
Shares of the corporation surviving the consummation of the plan of merger or
share exchange;
Shares of any other corporation which at the effective date of the plan of
merger or share exchange either will be listed on a national securities exchange
registered under the federal "Securities Act of 1934", as amended, or on the
national market system of the National Association of Securities Dealers
Automated Quotation System, or will be held of record by more than two thousand
Cash in lieu of fractional shares; or
Any combination of the foregoing described shares or cash in lieu of
fractional shares.
(2.5) A shareholder, whether or not entitled to vote, is entitled to
dissent and obtain payment of the fair value of the shareholder's shares in the
event of a reverse split that reduces the number of shares owned by the
shareholder to a fraction of a share or to scrip if the fractional share or
scrip so created is to be acquired for cash or the scrip is to be voided under
section 7-106-104.
(3) A shareholder is entitled to dissent and obtain payment of the fair
value of the shareholder's shares in the event of any corporate action to the
extent provided by the bylaws or a resolution of the board of directors.
(4) A shareholder entitled to dissent and obtain payment for the
shareholder's shares under this article may not challenge the corporate action
creating such entitlement unless the action is unlawful or fraudulent with
respect tot he shareholder or the corporation.
7-113-103 DISSENT BY NOMINEES AND BENEFICIAL OWNERS.-(1) A record shareholder
may assert dissenters' rights as to fewer than all the shares registered in the
record shareholder's name only if the record shareholder dissents with respect
to all shares beneficially owned by any one person and causes the corporation to
receive written notice which states such dissent and the name, address, and
federal taxpayer identification number, if any, of each person on whose behalf
the record shareholder asserts dissenters' rights. The rights of a record
shareholder under this subsection (1) are determined as if the shares as to
which the record shareholder dissents and the other shares of the record
shareholder were registered in the names of different shareholders.
(2) A beneficial shareholder may assert dissenters' rights as to the
shares held on the beneficial shareholder's behalf only if;
The beneficial shareholder causes the corporation to receive the record
shareholder's written consent to the dissent not later than the time
the beneficial shareholder asserts dissenters' rights; and
The beneficial shareholder dissents with respect to all shares
beneficially owned by the beneficial shareholder.
(3) The corporation may require that, when a record shareholder
dissents with respect to the shares held by any one or more beneficial
shareholders, each such beneficial shareholder must certify to the corporation
that the beneficial shareholder and the record shareholder or record
shareholders of all the shares owned beneficially by the beneficial shareholder
have asserted, or will timely assert, dissenters' rights as to all such shares
as to which there is no limitation on the ability to exercise dissenters'
rights. Any such requirement shall be stated in the dissenters' notice given
pursuant to section 7-113-203.
Procedure for Exercise of Dissenters' Rights
7-113-201 NOTICE OF DISSENTERS' RIGHTS.-(1) If a proposed corporate action
creating dissenters' rights under section 7-113-102 is submitted to a vote at a
shareholders' meeting, the notice of the meeting shall be given to all
shareholders, whether or not entitled to vote. The notice shall state that
shareholders are or may be entitled to assert dissenters' rights under this
article and shall be accompanied by a copy of this article and the materials, if
any, that, under articles 101 to 117 of this title, are required to be given to
shareholders entitled to vote on the proposed action at the meeting. Failure to
give notice as provided by this subsection (1) shall not affect any action taken
at the shareholders' meeting for which the notice was to have been given, but
any shareholder who was entitled to dissent but who was not given such notice
shall not be precluded from demanding payment for the shareholders' shares under
this article by reason of the shareholder's failure to comply with the
provisions of section 7-113-202(1).
(2) If a proposed corporate action creating dissenters' rights under
section 7-113-102 is authorized without a meeting of shareholders pursuant to
section 7-101-104, any written or oral solicitation of a shareholder to execute
a writing consenting to such action contemplated in section 7-107-104 shall be
accompanied or preceded by a written notice stating that shareholders are or may
be entitled to assert dissenters' rights under this article, by a copy of this
article, and by the materials, if any, that, under articles 101 to 117 of this
title, would have been required to be given to shareholders entitled to vote on
the proposed action if the proposed action were submitted to a vote at a
shareholders' meeting. Failure to give notice as provided by this subsection (2)
shall not affect any action taken pursuant to section 7-107-104 for which the
notice was to have been given, but any shareholder who was entitled to dissent
but who was not given such notice shall not be precluded from demanding payment
for the shareholders' shares under this article by reason of the shareholder's
failure to comply with the provisions of section 7-113-202(2).
7-113-202 NOTICE OF INTENT TO DEMAND PAYMENT.-(1) If a proposed corporate action
creating dissenters' rights under section 7-113-102 is submitted to a vote at a
shareholders' meeting and if notice of dissenters' rights has been given to such
shareholder in connection with the action pursuant to section 7-113-201(1), a
shareholder who wishes to assert dissenters' rights shall:
Cause the corporation to receive, before the vote is taken, written
notice of the shareholder's intention to demand payment for the
shareholder's shares if the proposed corporate action is effectuated;
Not vote the share in favor of the proposed corporate action.
(2) If a proposed corporate action creating dissenters' rights under
section 7-113-102 is authorized without a meeting of shareholders pursuant to
section 7-107-104 and if notice of dissenters' rights has been given to such
shareholder in connection with the action pursuant to section 7-113-201(2) a
shareholder who wishes to assert dissenters' rights shall not execute a writing
consenting to the proposed corporate action.
(3) A shareholder who does not satisfy the requirements of subsection
(1) or (2) of this section is not entitled to demand payment for the
shareholder's shares under this article.
7-113-203 DISSENTERS' NOTICE.-(1) If a proposed corporate action creating
dissenters' rights under section 7-113-102 is authorized, the corporation shall
give a written dissenters' notice to all shareholders who are entitled to demand
payment for their shares under this article.
(2) The dissenters' notice required by subsection (1) of this section
shall be given no later than ten days after the effective date of the corporate
action creating dissenters' rights under section 7-113-102 and shall:
State that the corporate action was authorized and state the effective
date or proposed effective date of the corporate action;
state an address at which the corporation will receive payment demands
and the address of a place where certificates for certificated shares
must be deposited;
Inform holders of uncertificated shares to what extent transfer of the
shares will be restricted after the payment demand is received;
Supply a form for demanding payment, which form shall request a
dissenter to state an address to which payment is to be made;
Set the date by which the corporation must receive the payment demand
and certificates for certificated shares, which date shall not be less
than thirty days after the date the notice required by subsection (1)
of this section is given;
State the requirement contemplated in section 7-113-103(3), if such
requirement is imposed; and
Be accompanied by a copy of this article.
7-113-204 PROCEDURE TO DEMAND PAYMENT.-(1) A shareholder who is given a
dissenters' notice pursuant to section 7-113-203 and who wishes to assert
dissenters' rights shall, in accordance with the terms of the dissenters'
Cause the corporation to receive a payment demand, which may be the
payment demand form contemplated in section 7-113-203 (2)(d), duly
completed, or may be stated in another writing and;
Deposit the shareholder's certificates for certificated shares.
(2) A shareholder who demands payment in accordance with subsection (1)
of this section retains all rights of a shareholder, except the right to
transfer the shares, until the effective date of the proposed corporate action
giving rise to the shareholder's exercise of dissenters' rights and has only the
right to receive payment for the shares after the effective date of such
corporate action.
(3) Except as provided in section 7-113-207 or 7-113-209(1)(b), the
demand for payment and deposit of certificates are irrevocable.
(4) A shareholder who does not demand payment and deposit the
shareholder's share certificates as required by the date or dates set in the
dissenters' notice is not entitled to payment for the shares under this article.
7-113-205 UNCERTIFICATED SHARES.-(1) Upon receipt of a demand for payment under
section 7-113-204 from a shareholder holding uncertificated shares, and in lieu
of the deposit of certificates representing the shares, the corporation may
restrict the transfer thereof.
(2) In all other respects, the provisions of section 7-113-204 shall be
applicable to shareholders who own uncertificated shares.
7-113-206. PAYMENT.-(1) Except as provided in section 7-113-208, upon the
effective date of the corporate action creating dissenters' rights under section
7-113-1-2 or upon receipt of a payment demand pursuant to section 7-113-204,
whichever is later, the corporation shall pay each dissenter who complied with
section 7-113-204, at the address stated in the payment demand, or if no such
address is stated in the payment demand, at the address shown on the
corporation's current record of shareholders for the record shareholder holding
the dissenter's shares, the amount the corporation estimates to be the fair
value of the dissenter's shares, plus accrued interest.
(2) The payment made pursuant to subsection (1) of this section shall
be accompanied by:
(1) The corporation's balance sheet as of the end of its most
recent fiscal year or, if that is not available, the
corporation's balance sheet as of the end of a fiscal year
ending not more than sixteen months before the date of
payment, an income statement for that year, and, if the
corporation customarily provides such statements to
shareholders, a statement of changes in shareholders' equity
for that year and a statement of cash flow for that year,
which balance sheet and statements shall have been audited if
the corporation customarily provides audited financial
statements to shareholders, as well as the latest available
financial statements, if any, for the interim or full-year
period, which financial statements need not be audited;
(2) A statement of the corporation's estimate of the fair value of
the shares;
(3) An explanation of how the interest was calculated;
(4) A statement of the dissenter's right to demand payment under
section 7-113-209; and
(5) A copy of this article.
7-113-207 FAILURE TO TAKE ACTION.-(1) If the effective date of the corporate
action creating dissenters' rights under section 7-113-102 does not occur within
sixty days after the date set by the corporation by which the corporation must
receive the payment demand as provided in section 7-113-203, the corporation
shall return the deposited certificates and release the transfer restrictions
imposed on uncertificated shares.
(2) If the effective date of the corporate action creating dissenters'
rights under section 7-113-102 occurs more than sixty days after the date set by
the corporation by which the corporation must receive the payment demand as
provided in section 7-113-203, then the corporation shall send a new dissenters'
notice, as provided in section 7-113-203, and the provisions of section
7-113-204 to 7-113-209 shall again be applicable.
PROPOSED CORPORATE ACTION.-(1) The corporation may, in or with the dissenters'
notice given pursuant to section 7-113-203, state the date of the first
announcement to news media or to shareholders of the terms of the proposed
corporate action creating dissenters' rights under section 7-113-102 and state
that the dissenter shall certify in writing, in or with the dissenter's payment
demand under section 7-113-204, whether or not the dissenter (or the person on
whose behalf dissenters' rights are asserted) acquired beneficial ownership of
the shares before that date. With respect to any dissenter who does not so
certify in writing, in or with the payment demand, that the dissenter or the
person on whose behalf the dissenter asserts dissenters' rights acquired
beneficial ownership of the shares before such date, the corporation may, in
lieu of making the payment provided in section 7-113-206, offer to make such
payment if the dissenter agrees to accept it in full satisfaction of the demand.
(2) An offer to make payment under subsection (1) of this section shall
include or be accompanied by the information required by section 7-113-206(2).
dissenter may give notice to the corporation in writing of the dissenter's
estimate of the fair value of the dissenter's shares and of the amount of
interest due and may demand payment of such estimate, less any payment made
under section 7-113-206, or reject the corporation's offer under section
7-113-208 and demand payment of the fair value of the shares and interest due,
(1) The dissenter believes that the amount paid under section
7-113-206 or offered under section 7-113-208 is less than the
fair value of the shares or that the interest due was
incorrectly calculated;
(2) The corporation fails to make payment under section 7-113-206
within sixty days after the date set by the corporation by
which the corporation must receive the payment demand; or
(3) The corporation does not return the deposited certificates or
release the transfer restrictions imposed on uncertificated
shares as required by section 7-113-207(1).
(2) A dissenter waives the right to demand payment under this section
unless the dissenter causes the corporation to receive the notice required by
subsection (1) of this section within thirty days after the corporation made or
offered payment for the dissenter's shares.
211 West Wall Street
Midland, Texas
Special Meeting of Stockholders to be held August 24, 2001
THE UNDERSIGNED hereby appoints Glenn A. Little and Matthew Blair proxy with
full power of substitution, to vote all shares of the undersigned at the Special
Meeting of Stockholders of Boulder Brewing Company, (the "Company"), to be held
at the Company's offices at 211 West Wall Street, Midland Texas on August 24,
2001 at 5:00 o'clock in the afternoon, and all adjournments thereof, upon the
following matters:
1. Election of Glenn A. Little, Matthew Blair and Michael
Lawrence as directors to hold office until the next annual
election of directors by shareholders or until their
respective successors have been duly elected and shall have
2. Ratification of the appointment of Scott W. Hatfield, C.P.A,
as the Company's independent auditors, to examine the accounts
of the Company for the fiscal year ending December 31, 2001;
3. Effecting of a 1:5 reverse split of the currently outstanding
shares of the Company's Common Stock; and
4. Changing the Company's state of incorporation from Colorado to
Each director elected at the Special Meeting will hold office until a successor
is elected and qualified at the next Annual Meeting, or until the director
resigns, is removed or becomes disqualified. Unless marked otherwise, proxies
received will be voted FOR the election of each of Glenn A. Little, Matthew
Blair and Michael Lawrence.
To withhold authority to vote for any individual nominee(s) write that Nominee's
name in the space provided below.
----------------------- ----------------------- --------------------------
The Board of Directors of the Company has selected Scott W. Hatfield CPA as the
independent auditors for the Company for the fiscal year ending December 31,
FOR ( ) AGAINST ( ) ABSTAIN ( ) [Check One]
FOR ( ) AGAINST ( ) ABSTAIN ( ) [Check One]
FOR ( ) AGAINST ( ) ABSTAIN ( ) [Check One]
The shares represented hereby will be voted in accordance with the
specifications of this proxy. If not otherwise specified, the Proxy is to be
voted in favor of all four proposals. Attendance of the undersigned at the
Special Meeting or any adjourned session thereof will not be deemed to revoke
the Proxy unless the undersigned shall indicate at the meeting the intention of
the undersigned to vote said shares in person.
Dated: July , 2001
------------------------ --------------------------- ----------------
Name (Please Print Signature Amount of Shares
------------------------ --------------------------- ----------------
Name (Please Print Signature Amount of Shares
Please sign exactly as your shares are registered. For joint accounts, each
co-owner should sign. When signing in a fiduciary representative capacity,
please give your full title as such.