Aegis High Yield Fund
Class A (Ticker: AHYAX)
Class I (Ticker: AHYFX)
APRIL 30, 2014
Before you invest, you may want to review the Fund’s Prospectus, which contains more information about the Fund and its risks. You can find the Fund’s Prospectus, Statement of Additional Information and other information about the Fund online at You may also obtain this information at no cost by calling 1-800-528-3780. The Fund’s Prospectus and Statement of Additional Information, both dated April 30, 2014, are incorporated by reference into this Summary Prospectus.
Shareholder Fees (fees paid directly from your investment)
Class I
Class A
Maximum Sales Charge (Load) Imposed on Purchases
Maximum Deferred Sales Charge (Load) (as a percentage of the original purchase price)
Maximum Sales Charge (Load) Imposed on Reinvested Dividends
Redemption Fee Paid to the Aegis High Yield Fund
(as a percentage of amount redeemed within 180 days of purchase)
Annual Fund Operating Expenses
(expenses that you pay each year as a percentage of the value of your investment)
Management Fees
Distribution and Service (12b-1) Fees
Other Expenses
Total Annual Fund Operating Expenses (before expense reimbursement)
Fee Waiver and/or Expense Reimbursement(2)
Total Annual Fund Operating Expenses After Fee Waiver and/or Expense Reimbursement(2)
The deferred sales charge applies to redemptions of shares that were purchased without imposition of the initial sales charges (i.e., purchases of $1 million or more) occurring within 2 years of purchase.
Aegis Financial Corporation (the “Advisor”) has entered into a contractual expense limitation agreement with the Fund pursuant to which the Advisor has agreed to limit fees and/or reimburse the Fund’s expenses until April 30, 2015 in order to limit the “Total Annual Fund Operating Expenses After Fee Waiver and/or Expense Reimbursement” (not including Acquired Fund Fees and Expenses) of the Fund to 1.20% of the Class I shares’ average daily net assets and 1.45% of the Class A shares’ average daily net assets. Brokerage fees, interest expenses, taxes, and dividend and extraordinary expenses are excluded from the operating expenses subject to the expense limitation agreement. Only the Board of Trustees may terminate the expense limitation agreement during its current term. The Fund has agreed to repay the Advisor for amounts assumed by the Advisor pursuant to the expense limitation agreement, provided that such repayment does not cause the “Total Annual Fund Operating Expenses After Fee Waiver and/or Expense Reimbursement” to exceed 1.20% (for Class I) or 1.45% (for Class A) and the repayment is made within three years after the year in which the Advisor incurred the expense. The agreement may be extended by the parties for additional one-year terms.
1 Year
3 Years
5 Years
10 Years
Class I
Class A*
If you purchase Class A shares without imposition of the initial sales charge and redeem your Class A shares within two years after purchase, then a 1.00% deferred sales charge would increase the expenses.
High-Yield Security Risk. Investment in high-yield securities can typically involve a substantial risk of loss. These securities, which are rated below investment grade, are considered to be speculative with respect to the issuer’s ability to pay interest and principal and they are susceptible to default or decline in market value due to adverse economic and business developments.
Credit Risk. Credit risk represents the possibility of losses in the event that a bond issuer might be unable to pay its interest and principal obligations in a timely manner, thus creating a default situation. Credit risk is significant for high-yield bond investments. Even if there is no actual default, it is probable that a bond will decline in price if its credit quality declines and its bond rating is downgraded to a lower category. The Fund attempts to reduce portfolio credit risk by diversifying its holdings and doing careful credit research.
Interest Rate Risk. Rising interest rates will cause the prices of existing bonds in the market to fall. Longer maturity bonds will typically decline more than those with shorter maturities. If the Fund holds longer maturity bonds and interest rates rise, the Fund’s performance could decline. Falling interest rates will cause the Fund’s portfolio income to decline, as maturing bonds are reinvested at lower yields. Investors should expect the Fund’s monthly income to fluctuate with changes in its portfolio and changes in the level of interest rates. Due to recent events in the fixed-income markets, including the Federal Reserve’s tapering of its quantitative easing program and the possibility of rising interest rates, the potential exists for periods of increased volatility and redemptions, which could result in increased transaction costs and lower the Fund’s performance.
Liquidity Risk. The high-yield bond market is much less liquid than the investment-grade bond market. This creates a risk that the Fund may not be able to buy or sell optimal quantities of high-yield bonds at desired prices and that large purchases or sales of certain high-yield bonds may cause substantial price swings.
Market Risk. The high-yield bond and securities market can experience sharp and sudden price swings due to a variety of factors, including changes in securities regulations, changes in governmental policy, swings in market psychology, volatility in the stock market, changing economic conditions, a highly-publicized default, or changes in asset allocations by major institutional investors.
Risks of Investing in Foreign Securities. To the extent the Fund holds foreign securities, whether or not such securities are denominated in U.S. Dollars, the Fund will be subject to special risks. These risks will include greater volatility, investments that are less liquid than similar U.S. securities, and adverse political or economic developments resulting from political, international or military crises. An additional risk is that the value of the Fund’s investments in securities of foreign issuers, measured in U.S. Dollars, will increase or decrease as a result of changes in currency exchange rates.
Prepayment Risk. Most high-yield bonds may be called by the issuer prior to final maturity. The Fund may experience reduced income when an issuer calls a bond held by the Fund earlier than expected. This may happen during a period of declining interest rates.
Defaulted or Bankrupt Securities Risk. The Fund may invest in securities that are in default or bankruptcy. These securities are not paying interest and may not pay principal, and will typically be replaced by new securities issued in a financial restructuring or bankruptcy reorganization. There are risks in the timing and details of a restructuring or reorganization. Delays will result in lost income to the Fund, and the value or amount of new securities issued may be less than expected. There are also legal risks that proceedings may be very lengthy and that bankruptcy laws may be interpreted in ways that are unfavorable to bondholders.
Convertible Securities Risk. Convertible securities generally offer lower interest or dividend yields than non-convertible securities of comparable quality.
Equity Investment Risk. To the extent the Fund invests in common stocks and other equity securities, it may be subject to the risks of changing economic, stock market, industry and company conditions. Equity security prices can fluctuate over a wide range in the shorter term or over extended periods of time. In addition, the interests of equity holders are typically subordinated to the interests of creditors and other senior shareholders.
Risks of Investing in a Managed Fund. The investment decisions of the Advisor may cause the Fund to underperform other investments or benchmark indices.
Political and International Crisis Risk. There is a risk that major political or international crises may occur which could have a significant effect on economic conditions and the financial markets. Such crises, depending on their timing and scale, could severely impact the operations of the Fund.
Risks of Value-Oriented Investment Strategies. The Advisor follows an investing style that favors value investments. Historically, value investments have performed best during periods of economic recovery. Therefore, the value investing style may over time go in and out of favor. At times when the value investing style is out of favor, the Fund may underperform other funds that use different investing styles. Investors should be prepared to tolerate volatility in Fund returns.
Highest Quarterly Return
2nd Quarter 2009
Lowest Quarterly Return
4th Quarter 2008
Average Annual Total Returns For the Period Ended December 31, 2013
1 Year
5 Years
Class I
2, 2004)
Class A
24, 2012)
Aegis High Yield Fund-Class I:
Return Before Taxes
Return After Taxes on Distributions
Return After Taxes on Distributions and Sale of Fund Shares
Aegis High Yield Fund-Class A:
Return Before Taxes
Barclays High Yield Index
(reflects no deduction for fees, expenses, or taxes)